Factions CS:GO Counter Strike – GIGN


GIGN (Groupe d’intervention de la Gendarmerie nationale pronunciation (help·info); English: National Gendarmerie Intervention Group) is the elite police tactical unit of the French National Gendarmerie. Its missions include counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, surveillance of national threats, protection of government officials, as well as targeting organised crime.

GIGN was established in 1973 following the Munich massacre, created initially as a relatively small tactical unit specialised in sensitive hostage situations. It has since grown into a larger force with expanded responsibilities and capabilities. GIGN is now composed of nearly a thousand operators, based at the Versailles-Satory headquarters, near Paris (approximately 400 operators), as well as in fourteen regional GIGN branches (French: Antennes du GIGN) located in metropolitan France or in its overseas territories (approximately 600 operators). GIGN shares jurisdiction of French territory with the National Police special-response units.

Although most of its operations take place in France, the unit, as a component of the French Armed Forces, can operate anywhere in the world. Many of its missions are secret; members are not allowed to be publicly photographed. Since its formation, GIGN has been involved in over 1,800 missions and rescued more than 600 hostages, making it one of the most experienced counter-terrorism units in the world

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a shooter computer game developed by Valve and Hidden Path Entertainment. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) is a sequel to the popular game Half-Life: Counter-Strike, which was released in 1999. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was released on August 21, 2012.

The popularity and audience of CS: GO is constantly growing.

It is not the first year that a large number of sports tournaments, from amateur to professional, are held in the discipline The prize fund of the tournaments in CS: GO is constantly growing and amounts to $1,000,000 in some competitions. The game has a large number of weapon skins, they do not provide any additional advantage in the game, the price of which reaches several thousand dollars, and anyone can get them by playing the game or opening skins that also fall into the game. The finals of the major tournaments are broadcast on television, and bets on the outcome of the game are made by bookmakers, who talk about the further development and popularization of CS: GO.