EPIC – Cure (T) v Reynor (Z) on Thunderbird – StarCraft 2 – Legacy of the Void 2019

Thank you to Falcon Paladin for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7ltXnMtfgk

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Music: “One Thing” by Cee Beats at https://soundcloud.com/cee-beats

##StarCraft2: #LegacyoftheVoid shoutcasts every day of the week! # at its best! Real-time strategy casts daily!

##StarCraft2 #LOTV #FalconPaladin

#Starcraft Heroes – Daggoth.

Daggoth, the Overmind’s right hand and one of its greatest cerebrates, was the master of the Tiamat Brood, the largest and most powerful brood within the #Zerg Swarm. Daggoth served the Overmind with ferocity and valor.[1] In order to support his own operations, Daggoth had access to the Hunter Killer, a special and powerful type of hydralisk.

Planets #Starcraft – Phaeton.

The harsh deserts on Phaeton are extremely hostile to life. Although the planet has breathable amounts of oxygen, there are almost no deposits of minerals or drinking water. Phaeton’s location at a great distance from the centers of the #Protoss and #Terran civilizations makes it even less attractive for settlement.

#Starcraft Units – Vikings.

The #BroodWar revealed some massive weaknesses in the #Terran forces’ air defenses. The combination of new starfighters and Valkyrie missile frigates proved too ineffective and cumbersome against the mobile flying organisms of the #Zerg. The concept of ground-based anti-air defenses using Goliath Assault Walkers, on the other hand, lacked mobility:

#Starcraft Missions – About the Swarm.

In the simple scenarios you have 3 different places where you are attacked. A certain number of different units are available for defense. It’s up to you to find the right counter units and place your units in such a way that you lose as few units as possible. There are a total of three rounds ahead of you and it gets harder and harder with each round.

#Starcraft Buildings – Fusion Core.

The Fusion Core requires a Starport to be built and can research Weapon Refit, the upgrade for Battlecruisers to unlock Yamato Cannon, as well as the Advanced Ballistics upgrade for the Liberator, and the Rapid Reignition System upgrade for the Medivac.


#StarCraft is a real-time strategy game developed by #Blizzard Entertainment and released in 1998. In the same year, the only expansion, #StarCraft: #BroodWar, was released, which continues the story of the basic game and includes new game contents. In 2000, the game, including the expansion, was adapted by Mass Media and Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 gaming platform. With more than 9.5 million copies sold, #StarCraft was the best-selling real-time strategy game in August 2007. On April 19, 2017, #StarCraft was released for free, including the #BroodWar expansion and some customization’s.

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