Elias Nerlich celebrates DFB-ePokal – The secret of success of the transmission

What was the reason? Why the powered by ERGO has gone down so well with the German community.

If there’s one thing in the FIFA community that’s rarer than a walkout, it’s successful esport events. In December, Elias Nerlich showed how it can be done and three months later, the DFB apparently showed it too.

This is what the emotional final looked like at the DFB-ePOKAL powered by ERGO

The DFB-ePokal powered by ERGO

From March 31 to April 3, the main and final rounds of the DFB-ePokal took place and offered all members:inside of DFB clubs the chance to lift the golden ePokal. A total of 949 teams took advantage of this opportunity. Eight clubs ultimately made it to the final round, which was broadcast LIVE on the weekend on free TV on ProSieben MAXX, on the DFB_official Twitch channel and on the online platform ran.de. As many have rated on social media: With success!

High spectator numbers and satisfaction at the DFB ePokal powered by ERGO

The DFB-ePokal celebrated a great success in broadcasting. The FIFA community was happy about the event, even if the games unfortunately had to be played online. The DFB tried to make the best of it together with .com and Freaks4U. The event format and the professional and viewer-friendly production enjoyed great popularity, which was also reflected in the numbers.

The DFB-ePOKAL reached its highest viewer level on the 2nd day of the main round with 13,891 viewers:inside. From hour to hour, more and more people gathered in the twitch stream and were always included by the sympathetic netman Hauke van Göns. Those who were active in the DFB’s Twitchchat over the weekend were even taken to free TV on ProSieben MAXX.

So combining a professional production that you know from TV and the strengths of Twitch works very well after all and makes you want more. Big names from the German FIFA scene also saw it that way.

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