Teji Savanier with cheap TOTS SBC in FIFA 22 – Cheapest Solution. In FIFA 22 we got a new SBC in Ultimate Team: Team of the – Season Teji Savanier can be completed. Is the SBC worth it? And how expensive is it? Let’s see. While Ultimate Team is currently celebrating the TOTS of Ligue 1 including Messi, Mbappé and Co, the SBC content is also still on fire. Mal Realtalk, the Team of the – Season time in FIFA 22 has already provided us with some killer challenges.

PlayStation server down and PS Plus expired: Why FIFA Online is down right now

EA Server down: Why FIFA online is not running right now – PlayStation & PS Plus Down 23.03.2022: There is a new system software update for the PlayStation 4 and 5, but this update causes a big problem for most players. You get an indication that your PS Plus has expired. We assure you that your PS Plus has not expired. This is a bug that Sony has unknowingly built in with the latest system software update.

FIFA 22 Serie A TOTS is live – With Leao, Vlahovic and Hernández

The football – Season is over: In the Champions we saw some absolutely amazing matches, in Italy AC Milan was able to win the title again after eleven long years. And in FIFA 22 there is the Team of the – Season – probably the second biggest event of the year after the TOTY in January .


The two players from Team FUTWIZ are familiar with the international scene. They’ve featured in global tournaments on and off since FIFA 17, with Marko’s participation in the FeWC standing out. Can the long-time teammates now also reach the top of the Team of the – Season Cup?

FIFA 22: TOTW 1 with Salah and Kimmich

Ratings, Web App, even the soundtracks are already known, you can see: FIFA 22 is in full swing. The fact that the first TOTW is already released may seem very early to some of you, but it’s actually not that unusual. Because with the web app we usually get the first inform players. So let’s see how awesome the first special cards are!



FIFA 22 is still in full operation, but in the background the game makers of EA Sports are already working on the next part – FIFA 23 will be released in autumn 2022.

But under which name will the classic game be continued in autumn 2022? As things stand, it is not at all certain that the game will continue to bear the name of the world association FIFA. We have the most important information about FIFA 23 for you, why the game series will get a new name and on which consoles the next part of the soccer simulation will be available.


We can’t give you an official launch date for the next part of the FIFA game series yet. EA hasn’t communicated much in this regard yet, so so far we can only assume that FIFA 23 will be released in the period between mid-September and early October 2022, just like its predecessors. In the past years, the latest launch date of a FIFA game was October 06.


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