Dota 2 – Fast Roshan Kills Guide

Roshan are crucial in 2 as they provide a significant advantage to the team that secures the Aegis of the Immortal. Roshan, the powerful neutral monster located in the Roshan pit, drops the Aegis upon death, giving the holder an extra life. Here is a guide on how to efficiently take down Roshan in the shortest time possible.

Timing is critical when attempting a fast Roshan kill. Teams often try to take Roshan when the enemy is distracted or unable to contest. This usually happens after winning a team fight or when the opponents are occupied on the other side of the map. It is important to keep an eye on the game clock and the enemy’s movements to find the right timing for the Roshan attempt.

Hero selection plays a key role in ensuring a fast Roshan kill. Heroes with high physical damage output and sustain are ideal for this task. Ursa, Lycan, and Templar Assassin are popular choices due to their ability to deal damage quickly and survive the encounter with Roshan. Additionally, heroes with armor reduction abilities like Slardar and Vengeful Spirit can significantly increase the team’s damage output against Roshan.

Itemization is another important factor in accelerating the Roshan kill. Items like Desolator, Assault Cuirass, and Medallion of Courage can help amplify the team’s damage against Roshan. It is also necessary to have healing items such as Tangoes, Salves, and Healing Salves to sustain the team during the fight.

Efficient execution of abilities and coordination among team members are crucial for a successful fast Roshan kill. The team should focus on maximizing damage output while minimizing the damage taken from Roshan. Using crowd control abilities to keep Roshan in place and avoiding unnecessary movements can help speed up the kill.

Vision is key in ensuring a smooth Roshan kill. Placing wards near the Roshan pit and in the enemy jungle can provide valuable information about the opponents’ movements, allowing the team to safely secure the Aegis. Additionally, having a Smoke of Deceit can help the team sneak into the Roshan pit undetected.

By following these and strategies, teams can effectively execute a fast Roshan kill in and gain a significant advantage over their opponents. Practice and coordination are necessary in mastering the art of securing the Aegis of the Immortal quickly and efficiently.