Dota 2: Crazy 4 Divines Sniper Build

Cosmetics -Arsenal of the Demonic Vessel

Arsenal of the Demonic Vessel is a set for Abaddon. This is also a bundle that includes the set and the loading screen.

Heroes Dota 2 – Tinker

Boush the Tinker is an intelligence hero from DotA and Dota 2. A ranged Radiant unit, Tinker fights with his homemade battle suit to avoid the use of magical abilities. In the game, he can take on the role of a Nuker and Pusher. Using lasers, Tinker can directly damage enemy heroes and blind them, causing their physical attacks to miss for three seconds.

Dota 2 Player – TORONTOTOKYO – Alexander Khertek

Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena title from Valve. The successor to the extremely popular Warcraft 3 modification DotA (Defense of the Ancients), Dota 2 was the company’s first strategy game and was released on the download platform Steam on July 9, 2013. The game is a free-to-play title that can be played completely free of charge and is financed through in-game micro-transactions, similar to Team Fortress 2.

Items Dota 2-Yasha

Yasha are a utility item from DotA and Dota 2.