Dota 2: Cheat turns 5vs5 into 18vs5

In the MOBA is currently a bizarre cheat in circulation, which ensures that a team does not start with 5 , but with significantly more. The Twitch streamer “cancel”, who observed this in his Ranked match, could only laugh, so bizarre it looked.

What’s happening? The Twitch streamer Mihai “canceL” Antonio was streaming Ranked Play in 2 when he got into a complete situation.

It quickly became clear something was wrong, even as the match was brewing in the lobby. As the site dexerto reports, there were already many disconnect and connect messages during the “pick-and-ban” phase.

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When the game launched, there were about 13 additional heroes on the Twitch streamer’s page, all with the URL of a Russian website in their name that apparently sells cheats for Dota 2.

The streamer shouted “Dude, what the heck is happening?” As the army of heroes began to move and head to Midlane, the Twitch streamer canceL could only laugh.

As dexerto reports, the streamer then played through the match laughing. Simply giving up – as this Dota team did it particularly doofily – is usually out of the question in Ranked. In the end, canel reported the bots and lined up for the next match in DOTA 2.

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Cheaters probably use streamer for advertising campaign

Is it just happening to him? No, it’s at least not an isolated case.Another streamer has also encountered this weird problem.

On reddit they discuss the incident and say, “DOTA 2 would probably have a bit of a cheater problem right now.”

One user there says, “It’s not insanely widespread, though. These cheaters would target extra streamers and only target matches with high matchmaking rankings.

Where does the cheat come from? It looks like these bots launch a DDOS attack on the game before it starts, and that’s how this strange situation comes about.

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