Disguised Toast discusses his financial situation

“No Org Is Safe Right Now” – discusses his financial situation after starting organization, claims to have lost $1 million.

On June 14, 2023, popular streamer Jeremy “Disguised Toast” uploaded a Shorts video where he candidly addressed his current financial situation following the launch of his esports organization. With his engaging demeanor and humorous approach, Disguised Toast revealed his unexpected financial struggles and expressed concerns over the volatile nature of the esports industry.


Disguised Toast has established himself as a prominent figure on Twitch, captivating audiences with his entertaining streams and prowess. However, in his recent YouTube Shorts video, he took a moment to shed light on a less glamorous aspect of his journey – the financial challenges associated with running an esports organization.

Disguised Toast’s Financial Struggles

During a livestream on May 24, 2023, Disguised Toast openly discussed his financial concerns. Comparing his bank account to a crashing stock market, he admitted to experiencing losses and expressed his frustration, saying, “I’m literally losing from my bank account. It’s like… it’s like a stock market… but it only goes down, which is not good.”

Disguised Toast’s Esports Venture

Disguised Toast ventured into the esports industry with ambitious plans for his organization. Initially, he estimated that running an esports team for a year would cost him $500,000. However, he also made the decision to invest in a of Legends team, expanding the scope of his esports venture.

Surpassing the Anticipated Budget

As Disguised Toast’s esports organization progressed, the financial demands exceeded his initial estimation. In the YouTube Shorts video, he shared that he had already spent $1 million, double the amount he had anticipated. In a light-hearted tone, Disguised Toast humorously remarked, “When I see a stock that’s all the way on the most downwards trajectory possible, I think to myself, ‘What a great opportunity!'”

Team Disguised’s Performance

The performance of Team Disguised, Disguised Toast’s esports team, has been less than stellar. In the , the team suffered a string of defeats, going 0-11 in their last 11 matches. Such results inevitably have repercussions on the financial stability of the organization.

Hope for Improvement

Despite the setbacks, Disguised Toast remains hopeful for better financial outcomes in the future. He expressed his desire not to find himself another video titled “How I spent $2 million” in the coming months. To sustain his esports organization, Disguised Toast emphasized the importance of support from his community.

Fan Reactions

Disguised Toast’s YouTube Shorts video received significant attention from his fanbase. Many fans shared their thoughts and reactions to the streamer’s financial update. One viewer lauded Disguised Toast as a “true value investor,” recognizing his ability to navigate challenging situations. Additionally, a community member offered a suggestion that Disguised Toast could potentially recoup his losses by focusing on hosting Among Us content, a game he is widely known for.


Disguised Toast’s openness about his financial situation sheds light on the complex and often volatile nature of the esports industry. As he grapples with the unexpected financial burden of running an esports organization, he relies on the support and encouragement of his community. Disguised Toast’s story serves as a reminder that the esports landscape can be unpredictable, and success requires perseverance, adaptability, and the unwavering support of fans and followers.


How did Disguised Toast’s financial struggles come to light?

Disguised Toast openly discussed his financial situation during a livestream and later shared the details in a YouTube Shorts video.

What is the main reason behind Disguised Toast’s financial losses?

Disguised Toast attributes his financial losses to the challenges and expenses associated with running an esports organization.

Did Disguised Toast anticipate such financial difficulties when starting his esports venture?

Disguised Toast did not foresee the extent of the financial challenges he would face, as his initial budget estimation fell short of the actual expenses.

How did Disguised Toast’s community react to his financial update?

Fans showed support and shared their thoughts on Disguised Toast’s video, offering words of encouragement and suggesting ways he could recover from his losses.

What impact does Team Disguised’s poor performance have on the organization’s finances?

Team Disguised’s poor performance can affect the organization’s revenue streams, sponsorships, and potential opportunities.

Is Disguised Toast considering any changes to improve the financial situation of his esports organization?

Disguised Toast expressed hope for improvement in the future but did not elaborate on specific changes he plans to make.

How long has Disguised Toast been involved in the esports industry?

Disguised Toast announced the creation of his esports organization and his foray into the industry four months prior to his financial update.

Does Disguised Toast have any other sources of income besides his esports organization?

Disguised Toast’s primary sources of income are his content creation on Twitch and YouTube, with his esports organization being an additional venture.

What is the significance of Disguised Toast’s Patreon page?

Disguised Toast’s Patreon page allows fans to support Team Disguised by contributing financially, providing a means for the organization to sustain itself.

Is Disguised Toast the only streamer facing financial challenges in the esports industry?

Disguised Toast’s statement, “No org is safe right now,” suggests that financial challenges are prevalent across various esports organizations.

Can Disguised Toast recover financially from his current situation?

With the support of his community and potentially exploring alternative revenue streams, Disguised Toast has the opportunity to recover financially.

Has Disguised Toast considered seeking sponsorships to alleviate his financial burdens?

Disguised Toast has not mentioned seeking sponsorships specifically in his financial update, but it is a common avenue for esports organizations to secure additional funding.

What other esports ventures is Disguised Toast involved in besides his own organization?

Disguised Toast mentioned his involvement with a team, in addition to running his own esports organization.

How did Disguised Toast’s fans react to his admission of losing money?

Fans expressed empathy and understanding, showing their support for Disguised Toast during this challenging time.

Are other streamers and content creators discussing their financial struggles as openly as Disguised Toast?

While some streamers and content creators are open about their financial situations, not all choose to share the details publicly like Disguised Toast did.

Is Disguised Toast’s situation indicative of broader financial instability in the esports industry?

Disguised Toast’s statement suggests that financial instability is a concern across various esports organizations, although the extent may vary.

Does Disguised Toast have any plans to address the financial issues faced by his esports organization?

Disguised Toast did not outline specific plans in his video, but he acknowledged the importance of community support and expressed hope for better outcomes.

Can Disguised Toast’s esports organization generate revenue through merchandise sales?

Merchandise sales can be a potential revenue stream for Disguised Toast’s esports organization, allowing fans to support the team by purchasing branded items.

Has Disguised Toast considered collaborations with other streamers or organizations to improve his financial situation?

Disguised Toast did not mention specific collaborations in his video, but exploring partnerships can be a viable strategy to increase revenue and exposure.

Does Disguised Toast regret his decision to start an esports organization?

Disguised Toast did not express regret in his video, but he humorously highlighted the challenges he faces and the need for community support.

What advice does Disguised Toast have for aspiring streamers and content creators considering entering the esports industry?

Disguised Toast did not provide specific advice in his video, but his experiences highlight the importance of careful financial planning and adapting to industry dynamics.

How has Disguised Toast’s community shown support for Team Disguised?

Fans have shown support by engaging with Disguised Toast’s content, joining his Patreon, and providing positive feedback and suggestions.

Can Disguised Toast’s esports organization generate revenue through brand sponsorships?

Brand sponsorships can be a potential revenue source for Disguised Toast’s esports organization, as partnerships with brands are common in the industry.

Does Disguised Toast have plans to expand his esports organization into other gaming genres?

Disguised Toast did not mention specific plans for expansion in his financial update, but his decision to invest in a League of Legends team indicates a willingness to diversify.

How has Disguised Toast’s financial update impacted his streaming and content creation?

Disguised Toast’s financial update has sparked conversations among his community and may influence the topics he addresses in his future streams and content.

Can Disguised Toast’s fans contribute to the organization’s financial stability beyond Patreon?

Fans can support the organization by engaging with Disguised Toast’s content, promoting it to others, and participating in sponsored events or campaigns.

Has Disguised Toast considered crowdfunding platforms to alleviate his financial burdens?

Disguised Toast did not mention crowdfunding platforms in his video, but they can be a potential avenue for fans to contribute financially to the organization.

How can fans provide emotional support to Disguised Toast during this challenging time?

Fans can offer words of encouragement, share positive feedback, and express their continued support for Disguised Toast and his esports organization.

Are there any plans for Disguised Toast to pivot his content strategy to generate more revenue?

Disguised Toast did not mention any specific plans to pivot his content strategy in his financial update, but content diversification is a common approach for streamers.

Can Disguised Toast’s financial struggles serve as a cautionary tale for others entering the esports industry?

Disguised Toast’s experiences highlight the financial complexities and risks associated with running an esports organization, offering valuable for aspiring individuals.

Is Disguised Toast’s financial situation a result of mismanagement or unforeseen circumstances?

Disguised Toast did not attribute his financial situation to mismanagement but rather emphasized the challenges inherent in the esports industry.

Can Disguised Toast’s esports organization benefit from strategic partnerships with established esports teams?

Collaborations with established esports teams can provide opportunities for mentorship, shared resources, and increased visibility, benefiting Disguised Toast’s organization.

How has Disguised Toast’s financial update impacted his relationship with his community?

Disguised Toast’s financial update has fostered a sense of unity and empathy within his community, strengthening the bond between the streamer and his fans.

Is Disguised Toast considering alternative revenue streams outside of content creation and his esports organization?

Disguised Toast did not mention specific alternative revenue streams, but diversification and exploring additional opportunities can be beneficial.

Has Disguised Toast sought professional advice or guidance to address his financial challenges?

Disguised Toast did not mention seeking professional advice in his video, but consulting financial experts can provide insights and potential solutions.

Can Disguised Toast’s fans contribute non-financial support to Team Disguised?

Fans can contribute non-financial support by promoting Team Disguised’s content, engaging with their social media channels, and participating in community events.

How can Disguised Toast ensure transparency in his financial dealings with his community?

Disguised Toast can maintain transparency by providing regular updates, sharing relevant financial information, and addressing concerns openly.

Has Disguised Toast considered collaborations with other content creators in the esports industry to increase his organization’s visibility?

Disguised Toast did not mention specific collaborations in his video, but collaborations with other content creators can enhance visibility and attract new audiences.

Can Disguised Toast’s financial struggles impact his mental well-being?

Disguised Toast’s financial struggles may affect his mental well-being, but his open communication and the support of his community can provide emotional resilience.

Is Disguised Toast’s financial situation reflective of the overall financial landscape in the esports industry?

Disguised Toast’s statement suggests that financial challenges exist across various esports organizations, although each organization’s situation may differ.

How has Disguised Toast’s financial update influenced his content creation strategy?

Disguised Toast may incorporate aspects of his financial journey into his content, providing insights into the realities of running an esports organization.

Can Disguised Toast’s fans contribute by offering business advice or suggestions?

While fans can offer suggestions and insights, it’s important to recognize that running an esports organization requires specialized knowledge and expertise.

How does Disguised Toast plan to balance financial stability with providing quality content for his audience?

Disguised Toast will likely seek a balance between managing his organization’s finances and continuing to deliver engaging content to his audience.

Has Disguised Toast received support or encouragement from fellow streamers or content creators?

Disguised Toast has not explicitly mentioned support from other streamers or content creators, but the community within the esports industry often rallies together in challenging times.

Can Disguised Toast’s financial struggles impact his ability to continue streaming and creating content?

Disguised Toast’s financial struggles may present challenges, but his passion for content creation and the support of his community can help him persevere.

Are there any plans for Disguised Toast to seek external investments for his esports organization?

Disguised Toast did not mention seeking external investments in his video, but exploring potential investment opportunities can be an option for long-term financial stability.

Has Disguised Toast considered monetizing his content through additional platforms or mediums?

Disguised Toast did not mention specific plans for monetizing his content, but exploring additional platforms or mediums can expand revenue streams.

Can Disguised Toast’s financial challenges have a wider impact on the perception of the esports industry?

Disguised Toast’s financial challenges, along with similar stories from others, may shed light on the financial complexities of the esports industry and foster discussions for improvements.

How can Disguised Toast’s fans continue to support him during his financial journey?

Fans can continue to support Disguised Toast by engaging with his content, spreading positivity, and staying informed about updates related to his esports organization.

Has Disguised Toast considered scaling back his esports organization to reduce financial strain?

Disguised Toast did not mention scaling back his organization in his video, but strategic adjustments may be considered to optimize financial sustainability.

Can Disguised Toast’s financial struggles inspire others to pursue a more transparent approach in the esports industry?

Disguised Toast’s openness about his financial struggles may encourage others to discuss and address financial challenges more openly, fostering transparency within the industry.

How can Disguised Toast ensure the financial stability of his esports organization while maintaining a positive community environment?

Disguised Toast can prioritize financial stability through careful budgeting, exploring revenue diversification, and fostering community engagement and support.

Has Disguised Toast sought guidance from industry experts or consultants to navigate his financial situation?

Disguised Toast did not mention seeking guidance from industry experts in his video, but consulting professionals can provide valuable insights and recommendations.

Can Disguised Toast’s financial struggles serve as a wake-up call for the esports industry to address financial sustainability?

Disguised Toast’s experiences can contribute to a broader conversation about the need for financial sustainability and support mechanisms within the esports industry.

Has Disguised Toast explored potential partnerships with brands or companies outside the gaming industry?

Disguised Toast did not mention specific partnerships with non-gaming brands in his video, but collaborations outside the gaming industry can diversify revenue streams.

Can Disguised Toast’s fans contribute by organizing fundraising events or initiatives to support Team Disguised?

Fans can organize fundraising events or initiatives to support Team Disguised, with proceeds going toward the organization’s financial stability.

How can Disguised Toast leverage his influence in the gaming community to improve his financial situation?

Disguised Toast’s influence can attract brand collaborations, sponsorships, and potential business opportunities, contributing to the financial stability of his organization.

Has Disguised Toast considered partnerships with other streamers or organizations to share resources and reduce costs?

Disguised Toast did not mention specific partnerships in his video, but collaborations to share resources and reduce costs can be beneficial for his esports organization.

Can Disguised Toast’s fans support him through non-financial means, such as sharing his content or engaging with his social media posts?

Yes, fans can support Disguised Toast by actively engaging with his content, sharing it with others, and participating in discussions on his social media platforms.

Has Disguised Toast received any offers of assistance or financial support from his community or other entities?

Disguised Toast did not mention receiving specific offers of financial support in his video, but the community’s support and encouragement are essential during challenging times.

Can Disguised Toast’s financial journey serve as inspiration for others to pursue their esports dreams while being aware of the financial risks?

Disguised Toast’s journey can inspire aspiring esports entrepreneurs to approach their ventures with realism, strategic planning, and open communication about financial challenges.

How can Disguised Toast ensure that his financial struggles do not affect the quality and authenticity of his content?

Disguised Toast can prioritize open communication with his community, ensuring transparency about his financial situation while maintaining the quality and authenticity of his content.

Has Disguised Toast considered diversifying his revenue streams beyond his esports organization and content creation?

Disguised Toast did not mention specific plans for revenue diversification, but exploring additional opportunities beyond his current ventures can enhance financial stability.

Can Disguised Toast’s experiences prompt conversations within the esports industry to improve financial support structures for organizations?

Disguised Toast’s experiences can contribute to discussions about creating sustainable financial support structures and resources within the esports industry.

How can Disguised Toast’s financial struggles influence the perception of esports as a viable career path?

Disguised Toast’s financial challenges highlight the need for realistic expectations and financial planning, which can inform discussions about the viability of esports careers.

Has Disguised Toast considered partnerships with companies or organizations within the gaming industry to alleviate his financial burdens?

Disguised Toast did not mention specific partnerships with gaming industry companies or organizations, but such collaborations can provide financial and operational support.

Can Disguised Toast’s financial journey inspire greater transparency and accountability within the esports industry?

Disguised Toast’s transparency can encourage organizations and individuals within the esports industry to prioritize transparency, financial responsibility, and sustainability.

Has Disguised Toast received any offers for financial advice or assistance from professionals within the esports industry?

Disguised Toast did not mention specific offers of financial advice or assistance, but seeking guidance from professionals can be beneficial in navigating his financial situation.

How can Disguised Toast’s financial challenges contribute to a more realistic understanding of the esports industry among fans and aspiring professionals?

Disguised Toast’s financial challenges can dispel the notion of instant success in esports and foster a more realistic understanding of the financial complexities involved.

Can Disguised Toast’s journey encourage other streamers and content creators to prioritize financial planning and stability?

Disguised Toast’s journey can serve as a reminder to other streamers and content creators about the importance of financial planning, stability, and open communication with their communities.

Has Disguised Toast sought advice or guidance from experienced esports entrepreneurs or industry veterans?

Disguised Toast did not mention seeking advice from industry veterans, but learning from experienced individuals can provide valuable insights for managing his esports organization’s finances.

How can Disguised Toast ensure that his financial struggles do not impact the well-being and morale of his esports team?

Disguised Toast can maintain open lines of communication with his esports team, ensuring their well-being and morale remain a priority during financial challenges.

Has Disguised Toast received any offers for sponsorships or collaborations as a result of his financial update?

Disguised Toast did not mention specific offers for sponsorships or collaborations in his video, but opportunities may arise as his community and industry stakeholders become more aware of his situation.

How can Disguised Toast’s fans stay updated on his esports organization’s financial progress and future developments?

Disguised Toast’s fans can stay updated through his social media platforms, where he may provide further updates on his esports organization’s financial progress and future plans.