Defeat Sierra – Best counters in July 2022


To defeat Sierra in Pokémon GO, you should rely on the right counters in July 2022. We at MeinMMO have taken a look at which Pokémon Sierra will set in battle and show you the best monsters against this boss.

Who is Sierra? Sierra is one of the Team GO Rocket bosses, along with Arlo and Cliff. You can fight them with a Rocket Radar. We have summarized the following topics about Sierra in this guide:

We updated this article for you on July 09, 2022 to include the Pokémon in Rocket boss Sierra’s new team.

Rocket Boss Sierra – Current team in July 2022

Which Pokémon does Sierra use? Before you go up against Sierra, you should learn about her monsters that she might use against you in battle. In total, the Rocket boss can draw on 7 different Pokémon. The following are already known (via

First PokémonSchiggy
Second PokémonLapras
Third PokémonNidoqueen

The best counters to defeat Sierra

After you have found Sierra, you can start the battle. But which Pokémon should you use against this Rocket boss? With the help of Pokebattler’s overview, we’ve summarized the best counters for you below (via

Defeat Schiggy – Best counters against the 1st Pokémon

Sierra is guaranteed to use Schiggy as the first Pokémon. The following Pokémon are effective:

Mega BisaflorShaving leaf and flora statue
SilvarroShaving blade and energy ball
KappaloresRazor blade and leaf storm
FolipurbaShaving blade and energy ball
(Crypto) BisaflorShaving leaf and flora statue

Defeat Lapras, Turtok and Lohgock – Best counters against the 2nd Pokémon.

In the second round, Sierra sets one of the following Pokémon: Lapras, Turtok, or Lohgock. Which one you get remains random.

How to defeat Lapras: This 1st generation Water and Ice type Pokémon has no pre-evolution or evolution. Due to its type, it is weak against the attacks of the types Plant, Battle, Rock and Electric. You should therefore pay attention to the appropriate counters in your selection.


MelmetalThunder shock and hail of stones
(Crypto) QuappoClay shot and increase blow
ZamazentaTelling off and hand to hand combat
MewVolt change and dragon claw
MagnezoneSpark and mirror salvo
MachomeiCounterattack and cross cut
LucarioCounterattack and increase blow

Besides these mentioned counters, you can also set the following mega evolutions on Lapras:

  • Mega Bisaflor with Razor Leaf and Flora Statue
  • Mega Garados with Dragon Rod and Wet Tail
  • Mega rexblisar with razor blade and meteorologist
  • Mega Ampharos with volt change and thunderclap

How to defeat Turtok: This 1st generation Water-type Pokémon is the evolution of Schiggy. Due to its type, it is weak against Plant and Electric type attacks.

Pokémon GO Turtok
ZarudeTendril cut and leaf scourge
BrigaronTendril blow and force colloss
Kapu ToroBall seed and shrubbery
FolipurbaBall seed and foliage blade
ZacianTelling off and power surge
ZekromCharge beam and surge

In addition to these mentioned counters, you can also rely on the following mega evolutions for Turtok:

  • Mega Bisaflor with Tendril Strike and Flora Statue
  • Mega Ampharos with Volt Change and Thunderclap
  • Mega.Rexblisar with razor blade and meteorologist

How to defeat Lohgock: Lohgock is a Fire and Battle Pokémon from the 3rd game generation and the last evolution of Flemmli. Due to its type, it has a weakness to flying, psycho, water, and ice attacks.

(Crypto) LugiaSpecial sensor and sky sweeper
VictiniConfusion and V generator
Ho-OhPower reserve and earthquake
MewtuConfusion and psychic shock
CresseliaConfusion and moon violence

You should use the following mega evolutions against Lohgock:

  • Mega Lahmus with Confusion and Psychokinesis
  • Mega Latias with fire breath and psychokinesis
  • Mega Turtok with aqua squire and aqua howitzer
  • Mega Garados with cascade and hydro pump

Defeat Nidoqueen, Dogemon and Piondragi – The best counters against the 3rd Pokémon.

As the third and last Pokémon, Sierra will resort to Nidoqueen, Dogemon or Piondragi. Again, it’s random which of the monsters you’ll get.

How to defeat Nidoqueen: Nidoqueen is a poison and ground Pokémon from the 1st game generation. It is the last evolution of Nidoran female. Its types make it weak against Psycho, Water, Ice and Ground attacks.

StaloborClay shot and percussion drill
RihorniorClay clamp and surfer
KnakrackClay shot and earth forces
SumpexClay shot and aqua howitzer
GroudonClay shot and fire shot
MamutelPowder snow and avalanche

The following mega evolutions are also suitable against Nidoqueen:

  • Mega Garados with Fire Ember and Wet Tail
  • Mega Steelos with Dragon Rod and Ram Boss
  • Mega Turtok with aqua gun and aqua howitzer

How to defeat Dogemon: The Fire and Unlight Pokémon is the evolution of Dog Pattern. In battle, you should definitely go for attackers of the types Battle, Rock, Water or Ground.

Pokémon GO dog monster
(Crypto) AmorosoClay shot and stone hail
(Crypto) SumpexClay shot and aqua howitzer
DemeterosClay shot and stone hail
MaxaxCounter and dragon claw
RegirockTarget shot and hail of stones
AdmuraiAnger blade and aqua howitzer

If you want to use a Mega Pokémon against Dogemon, it is best to use the following counters:

  • Mega Garados with Dragon Rod and Wet Tail
  • Mega Glurak X with wing beat and dragon claw

How to defeat Piondragi: Piondragi, the last evolution of Pionskora, is from the 4th generation and is of the Poison and Unlight type. Due to its type, it is especially weak against Ground type attacks.

Pokémon GO Piondragi
(Crypto) mamutelClay clamp and steamroller
Demeteros (animal spirit form)Clay shot and earthquake
Steel oborClay clamp and earthquake
KnakrackClay shot and earth forces
Demeteros (incarnatiosn form)Clay shot and earth forces
RihorniorClay clamp and earthquake
GroudonClay shot and earthquake

Also uses the following mega development against Piondragi:

  • Mega aerodactyl with stone throwing and earth powers

How to find Sierra

In order to fight Sierra, you first have to find her. The Rocket Radar will help you do this. This is made up of the 6 mysterious pieces that you get by defeating the Team GO Rocket bullies.

Once you have collected all the parts, you will assemble it into a Rocket Radar and you will be able to activate it. After that, an icon with an R will appear on your right edge of the game. Clicking on it will open a map of your surroundings, where you can see all the Rocket bosses that are currently available. You can use these to search for Sierra.

Rocket Radar

Alternatively, Rocket bosses like Sierra spawn in a black Team GO Rocket balloon when Rocket Radar is activated. So, similar to the bullies, you can find them in there up to 4 times a day.

Can you specifically find Sierra? When you search for Sierra at the PokéStops, there is no way to see where Sierra is beforehand. You will only see who is waiting for you at the respective stop when you are there. If you have found Sierra, she will stay at this stop for the whole day. Which boss is in the balloon also remains a coincidence.

Is the fight against Sierra worth it?

Why should you fight Sierra? To be able to fight the big Team GO Rocket boss Giovanni, you will receive special researches at regular intervals. You must solve these to get a black Super Rocket radar.

To do this, you’ll have to fight the Rocket bosses Sierra, Arlo and Cliff, among others. Once you’ve defeated them, you’ll receive the special Rocket Radar and be able to track down Giovanni. But even without these tasks, you have the opportunity to fight the Rocket bosses Sierra, Arlo and Cliff with each complete Rocket Radar. This is worth it mainly for the rewards. Unfortunately, you can’t use it to fight Giovanni.

These are the rewards after a fight against Sierra

Which Crypto Pokémon does Sierra have? Crypto-Schiggy is the current Pokémon that you get as a reward after winning the battle with Sierra. If you’re lucky, you’ll even encounter an iridescent specimen.

Other rewards: In addition, you will receive a few items as a reward. However, one thing is different from the normal bullies. If you have a free space in your Pokémon bag in the egg storage, then you will also receive a 12-km egg.

These eggs often hide interesting monsters, which is why collecting and hatching them is worthwhile. We have summarized which Pokémon are currently in the 12-km eggs for you here.

Do you regularly fight Sierra and the other Rocket bosses? Which counters do you use most often? Or is Team-GO-Rocket not really your thing? Feel free to post your opinion here on MeinMMO in the comments and share it with other trainers.

By the way: What is this Schillerpin? We took a look at what it is and show you.



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