Defeat Cliff in August 2022: Top Counters

To defeat the boss Cliff in Pokémon GO, you should use appropriate counters. We at MeinMMO have taken a look at which monsters Cliff has in his team in August 2022 and how you can best defeat them.

Who is Cliff? Along with Arlo and Sierra, Cliff is one of the Team GO Rocket bosses in Pokémon GO. With the help of a full Rocket Radar, you have the opportunity to compete against him. Below we have summarized the following points for you:

We updated this article for you on August 01, 2022 to include all the new monsters from Rocket boss Cliff’s current team.

Rocket Boss Cliff – Current Teams in August 2022

Which Pokémon does Cliff use? In order for you to defeat Cliff quickly, you should learn about the monsters he will use in battle. As with any Rockt battle, he will use three Pokémon. He can choose from a total of 7 different monsters, which we have listed below (via

First PokémonBisasam
Second PokémonGolbat
Third PokémonSumpex

The best counters to defeat Cliff

After you find Cliff, you can start the fight. However, before doing so, you should think about which monsters are effective against Cliff’s teams. We have summarized the best counters against Cliff with the help of Pokebattler’s overview (via

Defeat Bisasam – Best counters against the 1st Pokémon

You’re guaranteed to face Bisasam first at Cliff. These are the best counters:

ReshiramFire tooth and return
Mega Glurak YGlow and Lohe Cannonade
HeatranFire whirl and return
DialgaFire death and return
(Crypto) Ho-OhPower reserve and earthquake

Defeat Golbat, Bisaflor and Amoroso – Best counters against the 2nd Pokémon.

As the second Pokémon, Cliff will set Golbat, Bisaflor or Amoroso. However, which monster you encounter is random and thus cannot be influenced.

How to defeat Golbat: The poison and flight Pokémon Golbat is the last evolution of Zubat and comes from the 1st game generation. Its type makes it particularly weak against Rock, Electric, Psycho, and Ice attacks.
Pokémon GO Golbat


(Crypto) DespotarCatapult and crusher
RihorniorCatapult and surfer
ALoLa GeowatzVolt change androck throw
RegirockTarget shot and stone edge
AmagargaPowder snow and meteorologist
MelmetalThunder shock and hail of stones

As mega developments are suitable against Golbat:

  • Mega Steelos with Thunder Fang and Crusher
  • Mega ampharos with volt change and thunder shock
  • Mega aerodactyl with stone throw and return

How to defeat Bisaflor: Bisaflor is the evolution of Bisasam. It belongs to the plant and poison type. Thus, it is weak against flying, fire, psycho and ice attacks.

Pokémon GO Bisaflor


Ho-OhIncinerate and dive
HeatranFire whirl and iron skull
VictiniJerk stroke and V generator
LugiaSpecial sensor and sky sweeper
Genesect (Flame Module)Fury Blade and Techblaster
LavadosWing beat and sky sweeper

As mega developments are suitable against Bisaflor:

  • Mega Glurak Y with Wingbeat and Dragon Claw
  • Mega Glurak X with glow and dragon claw
  • Mega Rexblisar with powder snow and meteorologist

How to defeat Amoroso: The second Pokémon to consider is Amoroso. The Rock and Water type monster is the evolution of Amonitas. It is best to use plant attacks in battle. Alternatively, counterattacks of the Fighting, Electric and Ground types are also suitable.


FolipurbaShaving leaf and refuge
MatrifolRazor blade and leaf storm
(Crypto) ChelterrarShaving leaf and flora statue
PumpdjinnShaving blade and parasite
TropiusRazor blade and leaf blade
ZarudeTendril blow and energy ball

For the mega evolutions, you can rely on the following counters:

  • Mega Bisaflor with Razor Leaf and Flora Statue
  • Mega Rexblisar with razor blade and return

Defeat Sumpex, Despotar and Chelterrar – Best counters against the 3rd Pokémon.

In third place, Cliff can again choose between three different monsters: Sumpex, Despotar and Chelterrar. Once again, the selection is made at random.

How to defeat Sumpex: The Water and Ground Pokémon Sumpex is from the 3rd generation and is the last evolution of Hydropi. Due to its type, it is particularly weak against Plant-type attacks.


FolipurbaShaving leaf and refuge
CelebiMagical Leaf and seed bombs
ViridiumJerking blow and leaf blade
GewaldroBall seed and leaf blade
ALoLa KokoweiBall seed and seed bombs
ZarudeTendril blow and energy ball

Also uses the following mega evolutions against Sumpex:

  • Mega Bisaflor with Vine Slash and Flora Statue
  • Mega Rexblisar with razor blade and return

How to defeat Despotar: Despotar is the last evolution of Lavitar. It belongs to the rock and unlight types. In battle, you should therefore rely mainly on combat attacks. But it is also weak against plant, water, ground, beetle and fairy attacks.


LucarioCounterattack and increase blow
(Crypto) NockchanCounterattack and breakthrough
MeistagrifCounterattack and balancing blow
(Crypto) MachomeiCounter and cross cut
HariyamaCounter and power colossus
BrigaronTendril slash and power colossus

The following mega evolutions are also suitable against Despotar:

  • Mega Bisaflor with Vine Slash and Flora Statue
  • Mega Garados with cascade and wet tail

How to defeat Chelterrar: The plant and ground Pokémon Chelterrar is from the 4th generation and is the last evolution of Chelast. Due to its type, it is particularly weak against Ice-type attacks. In addition, flight, fire and beetle attacks make him difficult.

Pokémon GO Chelterrar


Ho-OhIncinerate and dive
YlvetalTelling off and hurricane
Aloe sandamerPowder snow and ice slice
GenesectAnger blade and cross shears
HeatranFire whirl and iron skull
RexblisarPowder snow and meteorologist

Also uses the following mega evolutions against Chelterrar:

  • Mega Glurak Y with Embers and Dragon Claw
  • Mega Rexblisar with powder snow and meteorologist
  • Mega Glurak X with Embers and Dragon Claw

How to find Cliff

In order to compete against Cliff, you must first find him. To do this, you need a complete Rocket Radar. This is made up of the 6 mysterious parts that you receive from the Rocket bullies. Once you have all the parts together, you have the possibility to activate it.

Once activated, you will see the Rocket Radar on your right edge of the game. You can recognize it by the red R in the middle. Clicking on the icon will bring up a map of the area. PokéStops where Rocket bosses are currently located will be marked with a red R.

Pokémon GO Rocket Radar

Rocket Radar

Alternatively, you can wait for a balloon. There, the Rocket bosses spawn up to 4 times a day with Rocket Radar on, similar to the bullies. They also come in a black balloon.

Can you find Cliff specifically? No, unfortunately Cliff cannot be searched for specifically. Through the Rocket Radar you can only see where a boss is located. But you can’t see which one it is. However, if you have discovered Cliff at a stop, then you have the whole day to defeat him there.

The balloons also contain a random Rocket boss. So again, you can’t influence an encounter.

Is it worth fighting Cliff?

Why should you fight Cliff? First and foremost, you’ll need to fight Cliff if you want to take on the big Rocket boss Giovanni. To find him, you’ll need a special black Super Rocket radar. You’ll get it by solving the corresponding special research that will be unlocked for you at regular intervals in the game.

To solve this task, you must have fought Cliff, Sierra and Arlo respectively and will receive the Super Rocket Radar as a reward. But even without this special task, it’s worth fighting Cliff. You will receive interesting rewards when you defeat Cliff.

To fight Cliff, Sierra and Arlo, all you need is a complete Rocket Radar, which you can assemble from the 6 mysterious pieces of the bullies. However, you won’t find Giovanni with it.

These are the rewards after a fight against Cliff

Which Crypto Pokémon does Cliff have? Crypto-Bisasam is currently waiting for you in the encounter, provided you have won the battle against Cliff. If you’re lucky, you’ll even encounter an iridescent specimen.

Other Rewards: Cliff also brings you other rewards. As with other Rocket fights, you will of course receive various items after winning the fight. You can also expect a 12-km egg.

These are special eggs that you can only get from the Rocket bosses, i.e. Cliff, Sierra, Arlo and Giovanni. They contain interesting and rare Pokémon, which is why they are worth hatching. So you should make sure you have a free egg slot in your stash even before the battle. We have summarized which monsters can currently be found in the 12-km eggs for you here.

What are your favorite counters against Cliff? And which monsters would you like to see in his next team? Feel free to post your thoughts here on MeinMMO in the comments and tell us about your experiences.

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