[Day 6] VCT EMEA Challengers Playoffs – Valorant eSports

Agent Guide: Killjoy

In just a few months, Valorant will be one year old. A lot has happened since the release, especially when it comes to the playable agents. Killjoy was released at the beginning of Act 2 in August 2020, we’ll show you all the tips for her in this guide!

Valorant Champions: Teams, Prize Money, Stream & More

In just a few weeks, the finals of the Finals will take place. The Valorant Champions – or Valorant World Championships – are the world championships in Valorant and will be held in Berlin from December 02 to 12. The best teams from four different regions will compete for glory and the biggest prize money in the history of the game.

How to master the in Valorant!

When to buy what? To master the shooter, you also need to understand the economics behind it. We’ll show you what to consider!Valorant has not only gained CS:GO fans as active players in 2020, just like in the pro scene, many players from different FPS titles have also joined Riot’s new game in the sector and have also stayed to climb the ladder.

Valorant Weapon Guide: Stinger

We’ve already looked at the Spectre and called it the superior SMG in Valorant. So is the Stinger useless? It really pales in comparison to its bigger brother, but it’s still a good deal for some situations. Here’s a quick comparison between the two weapons (Spectre in parentheses).

Patch Notes – Valorant Episode 3 Act 1 Patch Notes leaked!

Are you already looking forward to the next episode in Valorant? We are definitely very hyped. Would you like to have a look at the Valorant Update 3.00 Patch Notes to bridge the waiting time? Then we have just the thing for you.

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Valorant is a free-to-play multiplayer first-person shooter developed by Riot . It is the first game developed by Riot Games in this genre. The game was first announced in October 2019 with the code-name Project A. It was released for Windows on June 2, 2020. It was originally scheduled for release in the summer of 2020. A closed beta launched back on April 7, 2020, and participation for the closed beta was done by sending game-keys for watching live streams of the game on the video platform (so-called “Twitch Drops”). The Twitch account had to be connected to the Riot Games account for this. Valorant left the beta phase on June 2, 2020.

Valorant Agent, Valorant Agents, Valorant, Valorant Controller Agent, Valorant Duelist Agent, Valorant Initiator Agent, Valorant Sentinel Agent, Valorant Game, Riot Games,

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