Day 10 FUSS! Wk’Cross! 4v4 Pro FME! Bonyth! Scan! Flash! – StarCraft – BroodWar Remastered 2024

Thank you to Falcon Paladin for uploading this video

I’ve got thousands of pro replays from the last 15 years! Let’s cast some!

##StarCraft ##StarCraftRemastered #broodwar

00:00 Falcon Gets Hype!
5:44 Falcon Says Hi!
10:15 Hero 7v1 Wk’Cross #Zerg Hero!!!!
21:48 Hero 7v1 Wk’Cross #Protoss Hero!!!
34:40 3v3 FME Silverwolf
1:02:59 4v4 PRO FME! Best! Beast! Stork! Soma! ForGG! More!
1:18:47 Hyuk vs Sharp TvZ on Circuit Breakers
1:37:29 Rain vs Shinee PvT on Citadel
2:30:48 Predator vs Sziky ZvZ on Heartbreak Ridge Devourers!
2:54:39 Bonyth vs Scan PvT on Blue Storm
3:19:54 Rich vs Shine PvZ on Dominator
3:58:15 #Flash vs Speed TvT on #Overwatch

#Starcraft Heroes – Overmind.

Created thousands of years ago by the enigmatic Xel’Naga, the Overmind represents the collective consciousness of the #Zerg race. Obsessed with his belief that he exists only to become the perfect life form by assimilating the strongest races in the universe, the Overmind is steadfast in his sacred mission.

Planets #Starcraft – Aiur.

Aiur has witnessed the ups and downs of #Protoss history – from the primitive origins of the psi race to accelerated evolution at the hands of the mysterious Xel’Naga. The Xel’Naga abandoned Aiur due to growing strife among the #Protoss, which eventually led to the destruction of their primary telepathic link.

#Starcraft Units – Point Defense Drone.

The Point Defense Drone was a light-air #Terran unit removed in the 4.0.0 patch, it is deployed by a Raven at the cost of 100 energy. The Drone is immobile and cannot attack, but will negate specific enemy projectiles near itself, protecting allied units. The Drone spawns with 200 energy, which allows for up to 20 attacks to be negated.

#Starcraft Missions – Maw of the Void.

Description: Commander, our mutual friends from moebius have been able to track down the last artifact fragment. Once that last bit is secured, we can push into Char and face Kerrigan. Good luck, Mr Raynor. I’m afraid you will need it.

#Starcraft Buildings – Barracks.

The Barracks (Rax for short) is the infantry production building for #Terran; allowing them to Marines, Marauders, Reapers and Ghosts. It is commonly used as part of a #Terran wall-in and can be lifted off the ground and landed elsewhere after it has been constructed.


#StarCraft is a real-time strategy game developed by #Blizzard Entertainment and released in 1998. In the same year, the only official expansion, #StarCraft: #BroodWar, was released, which continues the story of the basic game and includes new game contents. In 2000, the game, including the expansion, was adapted by Mass Media and Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 gaming platform. With more than 9.5 million copies sold, #StarCraft was the best-selling real-time strategy game in August 2007. On April 19, 2017, #StarCraft was released for free, including the #BroodWar expansion and some customization’s.

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