Dates set for Community Days in March, April and May

The dates for the Community Days in Pokémon GO for the coming months have now been set. As usual, you can look forward to one Community Day per month in March, April, and May. We at MeinMMO summarize.

When do the Community Days take place? Pokémon GO has now announced the dates of the next Community Days via their website. You can keep the following dates free in your calendar:

  • Sunday, March 13, 2022
  • Saturday 23 April 2022
  • Saturday, May 21, 2022

Update from February 28: Niantic announced more info about the Community Day in March. The runs with Sandan and an egg bonus.

However, it is currently unknown which Pokémon the respective Community Days will revolve around. Some trainers in reddit are currently speculating strongly on Staralili of the type Flight and Normal, but this is not confirmed yet, it is just a frequently occurring speculation.

What is a Community Day? This feature of Pokémon GO is about certain days where a certain Pokémon is the focus. For a few hours, you can then catch the pocket monster much more often and also the Shiny chance is increased.

Also, smoke items as well as lure modules usually last longer and another bonus, such as more candies, is active that day. In addition, the Pokémon that is in focus on that day can always learn a special attack.

When will there be more information? Soon the – Season of origin will end, but what’s next? Trainers should find out soon in an update on the upcoming – Season . In the same update, there should also be official information about Community Day in March.

When there will be more details about the days in April and May, however, is currently unknown. We will of course keep you up to date as soon as there is more to tell.

It is also unclear whether there will be another Community Day Classic in between, as there was just recently.

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How do players react? The latest Community Days update is already being hotly debated on reddit. But in addition to various guesses about which Pokémon are waiting for us at Community Days, there’s something else that catches the eye of .

Some players are wondering why Community Day in April is so late and falls on a Saturday when the day in May is also a Saturday. Many fans therefore suspect that there will be an Easter event, and Niantic doesn’t want it to clash with Community Day.

  • ZlaRaca writes, “There will probably be an Easter event in April, and because Easter is always on Sundays, Community Day will then fall on a Saturday.”
  • JRE47 writes, “It’s always good to know the date for such events so far in advance. Especially since Niantic otherwise communicates rather sparsely.”
  • TheRealHankWolfman refers to Classic Days, “Classic Community Day for Bisasam was a test and was announced separately. Just because none are listed here doesn’t mean there won’t be one. They may just be announcing it as a separate event.”

What do you think of the fan speculation? Are you guys looking forward to Community Days? Which Pokémon do you expect to see on the special days, and are there any that you don’t want at all? Feel free to let us know in the comments here at MeinMMO, we’re looking forward to hearing your opinion.

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