Crypto hacks Apex Twitter account

After the last heroes like Octane and Wattson found a pretty conventional way into the game, the teasers fall around the newest legend Crypto looks much more creative and exciting.

Shortly before the start of – Season 3, the new hero already appeared in matches and fled from players. On Twitch, he infiltrates streams. And now the hacker has even Apex Legends Twitter account hijacked.

Cryptic characters adorn the letters, the profile picture is black and the background shows a hacking process.

Mystery message with teasers

But the main focus is on a encrypted message with the title “Mysticism”. It’s a GIF of a farewell letter, the words of which form new terms every now and then. So you can understand the letter in two ways. The unencrypted version tells the story of a “C” who went to a surprise party to meet the woman of his dreams.

But if you read the message with the “real” words, the surprise party becomes Apex Games and the woman becomes the people who set up the hacker:

“As I’m sure you’ve heard, I took your advice to heart and went to the [Apex] Games. It’s the only way to get to the people who set me up. I just had to distract the syndicate long enough to get the “Crypto’s” data into the system.

You were right about the qualifying rounds. I looked at them and there is no way I could have gotten in. So I went to plan B and destroyed the repulsor tower. I had no idea it would be so crazy. Hopefully the damage was great enough to close down King’s Gulch so I can clear a flight from Solace and find the evidence I need somewhere in New Dawn.

I just hope I see you one last time and don’t get blown up before I leave the planet. (Sorry. Paranoia leads to gallows humor.) Thanks for always being the mom I needed. I’ll keep in touch. Don’t worry too much. What is it you always say? It’s hard to be scared when you’re prepared.


What is New Dawn? Who is Mysticism?

TJ stands for Park Tae Joon, the real name of Crypto. Some of the events from the letter have already taken place: At the beginning of – Season 2, said repulsor tower collapsed and caused wild animals to enter the arena. However, the games continued to take place – just with the animal dangers.

Furthermore, since Crypto recently appeared in the game, it seems that his to New Dawn has still not taken place. New Dawn could be nothing less than a second map for Apex Legends. Dawn was a map for the discontinued Titanfall Online, so New Dawn might refer to it. According to the Wiki entry, Dawn is a desert area marked by an earlier battle.

Also unclear is the mysticism called “mother”. Possibly it is already about the next but one legend. Producer Tina Sanchez shared some images from the Apex Legends set on August 1, in which a Woman with walking stick in motion capture suit can be seen. On Reddit, some players now suspect that this lady is Mystik.

We have summarized the most important information about – Season 3 of Apex Legends. It starts on October 1, 2019.

In the trailer for Apex Legends, Crypto goes from businessman to hunted hacker

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