Counter Strike CS:GO – Boombl4 – Kirill Mikhailov


This Russian esportsman is nominated in the top 30 most promising in the Russian Federation according to Forbes. His nickname in the Steam account is Boombl4, the intended pronunciation is “Bumych”.

Major achievements and titles:

Place Team Tournament
¼ finals Natus Vincere StarLadder Major Berlin 2019
group stage Winstrike FACEIT Major 2018
¼ finals Quantum Bellator Fire ELEAGUE Major 2018
Bumych took the following prize places:

Gold» – 10 times.
Sivler» – 8 times.
Bronze»/semifinals – 13 times.

He was born on 12.20.1998 in Moscow. By the time he graduated from school, he was thinking about becoming a medic. But at the end of the graduation , Kirill asked his parents to give him a year to decide whether he could find work in e-sports. So in order not to just hang out, he enrolled in an IT college.

Acquaintance with CS 1.6 happened almost in the first grade of school thanks to his uncle, who trained hard in this discipline (although he never became a professional cyber sportsman). Then Kirill moved to League of Legends and achieved tangible success over the course of two years. But after that, the understanding came that this was not his element.

After the release with professional matches and world championships, Boombl4 set a goal for himself: to take place in the team and began to train intensively. First, he joined Elements Pro Gaming. And soon, Kirill and two friends moved from EPG to Quantum Bellator Fire. Thanks to their efforts, the team won silver at the CIS Minor Championship – Boston 2018. At the same time, before the tournament, QBF was considered an outsider.

Kirill’s current team is Natus Vincere, where he is the captain. Previously, he also played in the Winstrike Team. In this team, he was also the captain.

Boombl4’s CS:GO inventory, devices and config

Pro player’s devices

  • Keyboard Logitech G Pro X Mechanical Keyboard.
  • Monitor BenQ ZOWIE XL2546.
  • Headphones Logitech G Pro X.
  • Mouse Zowie EC1.
  • Mouse pad Logitech G G640.

Player’s mouse settings:

  • DPI 400.
  • Sensitivity 1.45.
  • e DPI 580.
  • Direct input enabled.
  • Zoom sensitivity 0.856.
  • Frequency 1 000 Hz.
  • Windows sensitivity 6.
  • Acceleration enabled.

In-game hands settings

  • viewmodel_fov 68;
  • viewmodel_offset_y 0;
  • viewmodel_offset_x 2.5;
  • viewmodel_offset_z -1.5;
  • cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 1.5;
  • viewmodel_presetpos 3;
  • viewmodel_recoil 0; cl_righthand 1;
  • cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.75.

Weapon shake adjustments settings:

  • cl_bob_lower_amt 21;
  • cl_bobamt_vert 0.14;
  • cl_bobamt_lat 0.33;
  • cl_bobcycle 0.98.

Boombl4’s launch options

  • -freq 240;
  • -novid;
  • -tickrate 128;
  • -cl_updaterate 128;
  • +rate 786432;
  • -high;
  • -cl_cmdrate 128;
  • +cl_interp 0;
  • +fps_max 999;
  • +cl_interp_ratio 1.

Boombl4’s crosshair settings

  • cl_crosshairgap -3;
  • cl_crosshairalpha 250;
  • cl_crosshairsize 1;
  • cl_crosshaircolor 4;
  • cl_crosshairstyle 4;
  • cl_crosshairdot 1;
  • cl_crosshairthickness 0;
  • cl_crosshairusealpha 1;
  • cl_crosshaircolor_r 255;
  • cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1;
  • cl_crosshaircolor_g 255;
  • cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0;
  • cl_crosshaircolor_b 255.

Pro players’ graphic settings

Video settings

  • Aspect ratio 4:3.
  • Resolution 1280 х 960.
  • The scaling mode is stretched.
  • Frequency 240 Гц.

You can find and download the cfg. file with all settings on the Internet. The path where the configs are stored (by default): C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ userdata \ your Steam ID \ 730 \ local \ cfg. Of course, it’s best to save your old settings first. After all, Bumych’s config may not suit your game style.

Boombl4’s CS:GO in-game tatics

In the game, Bumych usually acts as a rifler. In the current team, NaVi Boombl4 acts as IGL (in-game leader, captain), making all significant decisions and coordinating partners’ actions. In this post, he replaced Daniil Teslenko (Zeus). At first, many were critical of this. But now, all experts admit that Kirill rightfully holds the captain’s post since he has become one of the top players in the CIS and the world.

How many hours did Kirill spend in CS:GO?

During his career, Kirill played 885 and 23462 rounds in official matches. If you add training to this, you can roughly estimate how much time he spent. This is probably about 10,000 hours.

Boombl4’s training process in Natus Vincere

In his training process, Boombl4 prefers such maps as:

  • aim_botz;
  • dm, aim dm;
  • aim_reflex;
  • hs dm.

But most of the time, he plays and masters his with bots.

Boombl4’s CS:GO transfers

  • 05.19 – Natus Vincere.
  • 06.18-05.19 – Winstrike.
  • 09.17-06.18 – Quantum Bellator Fire.
  • 03.17-05.17 – EPG.

In the game, Bumych usually acts as a rifler. In the current team, NaVi Boombl4 acts as IGL (in-game leader, captain), making all significant decisions and coordinating partners’ actions. In this post, he replaced Daniil Teslenko (Zeus). At first, many were critical of this. But now, all experts admit that Kirill rightfully holds the captain’s post since he has become one of the top players in the CIS and the world.



CS:GO Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO for short) is a computer game from the genre of online tactical shooters. It was developed by Valve and Hidden Path Entertainment and is the fourth part of the Counter-Strike series. The game was released on August 21, 2012 for Windows, Linux, macOS, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. A release for the PlayStation 3 in Europe failed to materialize for unknown reasons. Global Offensive achieved a Metascore of 83 points. Since September 14, 2017, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has also been available in China via the Perfect World client. In December 2018, the game was switched to a free-to-play model, which drew criticism.