CoD: Warzone – More and more players turn their backs on the shooter – eSportsNews eSports CallofDuty

: Warzone…..I think if there’s a definition of love-hate, it’s definitely Warzone! How many times have I quit in frustration and vowed to never touch and play this sh…. Game ever again and delete it only to start the game again the next day and get upset all over again! A vicious circle…. But with the emotional situation I am certainly not alone, because more and more players seem to turn their backs on the game! And actually rightly and completely understandable.

Too deep sits the frustration due to several BUGS, recurring glitches, cheaters, frustrating design decisions, etc. etc. etc…. In addition, since now almost a year after release, there are hardly any changes that have really changed the gameplay positively. Let’s not even get started on the catastrophic and completely rushed integration of Cold War into Warzone. Here, Activision just wanted to quickly complete the integration before Christmas, just to take the Christmas business and pull the money out of people’s pockets. The result, like the subsequent completely absurd weapon meta, didn’t matter here for the time being, because we as players had to struggle with the dirt for weeks before even a statement from the developers followed….. A certificate of poverty.

And as if that wasn’t enough, the already ORIGINALLY fixed Stim Glitch kept popping up (I think the fifth time already). Here is justifiably asked the question, what the developers are actually doing? The assumption is close that the game is simply badly programmed and that not with all care bugfixing is operated. Conceivable are for each individual playlist update prefabricated templates, which are then just blindly imported, without checking in advance once again more precisely, whether the fixes have already been made here. And so it happens that the same glitches are found again and again in the game. Besides the already mentioned Stim Glitch, there was also the “Inivisible Glitch” with God Mode, which existed at the same time as the Stim Glitch….Halleluja

Hackers as far as the eye can see

Another reason why many players now avoid Warzone is cheaters and hackers. Since a few weeks the game is infested with even more cheaters than ever before. It feels like these morons are present in every lobby and ruin the whole game! On the other hand, it has to be said that it is simply made too easy for them. Just recently a hacker proved how easy it is to cheat in Warzone. He has about 30!!!! accounts in which he constantly rotates, in case one or the other account should ever be banned! “Banned”…..Activision operates here only a so-called shadow ban, which is automatically lifted after 7 days! After that, the player may continue to cheerfully cheat away and laugh in his face!

It’s just an absolute joke what happens there, or simply does not happen! It’s sad that a multi-billion company does not manage to put a decent and functioning anti-cheat system on the legs or to sit down with a manufacturer of such a system to be master of the situation here! But here you would have to invest and take additional money in hand, which is pulled out of people’s pockets from in-game purchases for nice colorful things.

Even the last week’s message that one has “banned” 60,000 hackers, is only a drop in the bucket! Especially since you know that the ban is only for 7 days anyway. Here is probably the greatest need for action….Only whether the right decisions are made here, I dare to doubt because of the experience with Activision!

A small Workaround can operate however each player itself, if one encountered a Cheater etc.: Note the name of the player and look after the round in the list on the players, on which you met already once. There you search for the name of the player, select him and block him. He will be added to your block list and if he joins the same lobby as you, you will get a message and can leave the lobby.

“SBMM” or whatever it should be.

On the subject of SBMM I do not want to comment too much! There were already many contributions to it! I just want to pick up the topic again so far that this system is completely for the butt! I have no idea what mechanisms really take effect here, but it definitely does not really what with the skill zutun. Why the hell do I end up, thanks to the system with a now 0.9 K/D constantly in diamond 1 -4 or platinum lobbies and am here, constantly only cannon fodder for the Schwitzer brigade?

Every damn round feels like everyone is fighting for the mother’s honor and you just continue to lose interest in what is actually a good game! There is not a single round that feels balanced and you as a hobby player, just no more land sees and in the first gunfight pulls the short straw! This can not really be in any interest of a publisher to chase away the players with such a system. But Activision will have its reasons why one has never been communicated, as the system actually works….A Schelm who evil thinks that in-game purchases have an impact on this system.

Even the heroic streamers and YouTuber have their problems with the system, because they simply can no longer present their “crass” skill in their content! Which tempts some to “reverse boost” to get easier lobbies and thus stand better. And yes, this is cheating too!!! This is deliberately using mechanics to bypass the system to have advantages over others. Similar pattern you have with hacks and cheats as well and therefore can’t be excused or justified with anything.

Who would like to look at a suitable and super video to it once, I can recommend the following of “Kugelmagnet Eddie”! This already hit on Twitter big waves because some YouTuber felt immediately addressed, without which their name was mentioned at all! So you can just also expose themselves.

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