CoD Warzone goes crazy on 01 April

: Warzone celebrates Stupid Day on April 01 with wacky rules – no joke. Be sure to check it out today if you want to experience Battle Royale in a different way.

What’s going on? On 01 April you should check all new information 3 times on the Internet. Many content creators and even news sites allow themselves jokes and scatter more or less skillfully untruths on the net.

A great day for pranksters, a difficult day for news writers.

Call of Duty: Warzone also joins in on the shenanigans, bringing totally insane rules to the game with Total Normal BR and Total Normal Rebirth game modes.

Battle Royale without falling damage, but with Flummi players.

What’s different in BR? When we read about the changes in the game this morning, we couldn’t believe it at first and went straight into a Battle Royale.

As soon as we jumped out of the plane, it became clear that something was wrong. You could not open the parachute and it went quickly towards the ground.

After checking if the controller was working properly, we hit the ground without dying. I fell for the April Fool’s joke.

Fall damage is completely disabled. You also have a rocket launcher in addition to the pistol.

However, the rocket launcher hardly causes any damage. On the other hand, enemies and you fly around like flummis when you get caught by the explosion.

Rebirth Island with loadout at launch and specialist bonus.

What’s different about Rebirth? On the small map Rebirth Island things are going on as well. However, everything is a bit more “sweaty” here. Because each player starts with blatant bonuses.

Right after the jump, a loadout box comes down and you have the specialist bonus.

However, your crates land right along with many other loadout crates and everyone wants their equipment right away. Absolute chaos right at the start.

The specialist bonus ensures that you have ALL perks available right from the start. Whether it’s Spirit, Battle Steeled, Buffed, or Cold Blooded, every perk is available to you right from the start.

Do you want to look at the over-the-top rules, on Rebirth Island the weapons from CoD MW can be worthwhile. The specialist bonus also gives you a lot of weapon extras and you don’t even need to use an attachment for it:

  • Fragile – Wounding: Health healing of enemies starts later
  • More dough: Extra experience points for kills
  • Recon: Displays nameplate from far away (hardly usable in Warzone)
  • Impactful: Strikes with the weapon shaft stun enemies
  • Full metal jacket bullet: More damage to vehicles and more bullet penetration
  • Presence of mind: Hold your breath longer with large sights
  • Dexterity: Reload 40 – 50% faster

It is not yet possible to say for sure how long the crazy modes will be in the game. However, you should definitely check it out today and take a closer look at the changed dynamics.

If you need weapon alternatives for your loadouts, check out our list of the best weapons. We now also have a special with the best weapons for Rebirth Island.

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