CoD Warzone | All about splitscreen modes [Modern Warfare]

In this post we want to keep you up to date on the Modern Warfare and Warzone splitscreen modes and the available co-op, and reveal on which platforms it is possible to play with friends on one device. Not all modes of the new Call of Duty support co-op and splitscreen.

CoD Warzone splitscreen and co-op

At this stage it is on no platform possible to play Warzone in split screen or co-op mode. This might be due to the high hardware requirements and the age of the current console generation. Fortnite, which is also much more resource-efficient, however, only came with a splitscreen mode some time after release. So the hope is still there that Warzone will get a splitscreen mode. If that is the case, we will inform you about it here.

CoD Modern Warfare splitscreen and co-op

The situation is different, however, if you are the owner of the main game as well as a console. Here you already have the option to add another controller/player in the main menu. However, logging in as a guest is not possible; the second account must have a normal account and connect to the PlayStation Network (PSN) or Xbox Live. After that, you can only play in Modern Warfare's multiplayer mode in split screen. This is not possible in the campaign, and the co-op mode can only be played on the full screen.

The spec ops of Modern Warfare can be played in the Co-op mode can be played with up to three other players on all platforms, i.e. PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The missions extend the story of the campaign and offer three different game variants Operations, Missions and Survival, which can be played exclusively on PS4 until October 2020.

On which platforms is Modern Warfare Splitscreen available? Currently, the splitscreen mode of Modern Warfare is only available on the consoles Xbox and PlayStation. On the PC this mode is not available! As soon as Warzone gets a splitscreen mode, we will let you know!

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