Clarity Unveiled: WoW’s New Feature

The new talent trees are the hotly anticipated feature of WoW: Dragonflight. Players and developers alike have high hopes for it. The new, dual talent trees are supposed to solve several problems at once. They are not only supposed to bring the classes and play styles back into shape, but also give much more room for individualization and at the same time replace the unloved Borrowed Power systems.

Of course, this requires the talent trees to be much more complex than the previous versions, which were eventually replaced by the talent matrix. And this is truly the case. We can distribute a total of 61 points in the two trees, unlocking or upgrading umpteen abilities. It’s easy to lose track of that. Especially since there are many perks that have an influence on several abilities at once. To prevent this, the WoW developers have now added another feature to the talent trees with the start of the beta.

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A – with a few extras

The talent window now has a search function at the bottom left, which you can use to search for the various skills. But that alone would not be enough. The new search function can therefore do much more.

In the search field you can enter any term you want to search for in the tooltips;

In the search field you can enter any term you want to search for in the tooltips.

Source: buffed

Similar to the search function for mounts or toys, all tooltips are searched. So if you type in an ability (which is suggested in a drop-down tab as soon as you type anything), you’ll see all the talents and perks that have any effect on that ability. Whether they boost the effect, reduce the cooldown, or replace the attack doesn’t matter. This makes it very convenient to build around special attacks.

You can also search for any other term. For example, typing “tempo” will show you everything where tempo is in the tooltip. If you type “immune”, the system will mark everything that has to do with immunities of any kind. So you don’t have to go through the tooltips endlessly until you find what you want to know.

Of course, this is especially interesting for classes that you don’t play that regularly. Or if you’re facing a particular challenge. If you’re constantly dying, it might help to take a quick look at which talents you can use to increase “healing” or give yourself a “shield”. The new system won’t make you a better player, but it can save you some life time.

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