Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 "Promotional Artwork" LEAK Debunked

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Armies of Duty – 54 Immortals

The 54 Immortals, also called 54i, is a crime syndicate from Call of Black Ops III. Founded at the end of the 19th century by Chinese and Indian immigrants in Singapore, the organization functioned there until 2070. Until 2070, the Immortals were led by Goh Min and his sister Goh Xiulan, who was two years younger. After the death of her brother, she took over the leadership alone until she herself was killed a short time later. It is unclear whether the Immortals were disbanded.

Heroes Call of Duty –Belov

Belov is a Russian soldier of the Red Army from Call of Duty: Black Ops. He only appears in the Project Nova mission, in which he dies because of a betrayal instigated by Nikita Dragovich. He dies together with Dimitri Petrenko and Vikharev in a cell filled with Nova 6.

Weapons Call of Duty-Uzi

The Uzi is a submachine gun from Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of Duty: Black Ops II. The Uzi appears in the mission Payday in the hands of some Russian soldiers, in the clearing where Mason lands the helicopter, and in some hideouts. Sometimes it has a magazine extension or an ACOG sight.

Games Call of Duty – Finest Hour

Call of Duty: Finest Hour is a first-person shooter video game developed by Spark Unlimited and published by Activision for GameCube, PlayStation 2, and . It is the first console installment of Call of Duty.

Call of Duty – Carentan

Carentan is a map from Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty and Call of Duty: United Offensive. On the northern side of the map there is a machine gun and a building with many boxes and crates. On the south side there is a large pile of rubble and a building adjacent to the German side. On the roof is another machine gun and you come to a building in the middle thanks to an overpass. In this building there are many windows from which you can shoot enemies. Behind the building in the middle is a house on the American side, where two staircases each lead to the first piece. To the north-east is another house with two large windows on the first floor, one facing the centre of the American side and one facing north. Outside this house are some boxes for cover and you will find a back entrance. To the southwest is a partially destroyed house with an upper floor where you will also find two windows.

Camouflage Call of Duty – Desert Camouflage

In Call of Duty 4, desert camouflage is available for all primary weapons from the start. It only appears in multiplayer. It is useful on the Strike, Bog, Backlot, Crash, Crossfire, Ambush, and Showdown maps. Like its predecessor, Modern Warfare 2 has desert camouflage unlocked from the start. It is available for all primary weapons along with arctic camouflage. On desert maps like Rust, Afghan, Strike, and Crash, camouflage has some advantages. However, the camouflage usually does not help much when it comes to hiding the user and actually only serves as a sign of rank.

Fraction Call of Duty Group 935

Group 935 was an international scientific investigation group involved in the creation of wonder weapons. Their main factory was located near Breslau in Poland and was called ” Der Riese “, but there were also many more factories around the world.

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