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Armies of Duty โ€“ UNITA

UNITA (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola) is a faction in Call of Black Ops II. They fought with Alex Mason against the MPLA in Angolaโ€™s bloody civil war in 1986.

Heroes Call of Duty โ€“ Castroโ€™s Mistress

Castroโ€™s Mistress is a side character from Call of Duty: Black Ops that appears in the Operation 40 mission. When Alex Mason and Frank Woods come across Castroโ€™s doppelganger and his mistress in Carlosโ€™ old plantation, the doppelganger icily uses them as a human shield. You can either try to spare them and kill the doppelganger with a headshot or simply riddle them. If she survives killing the doppelganger, she takes a KS-23 off the bed and shoots Mason and Woods. In doing so, she will be shot by either Woods or the player, depending on who fires first.

Weapons Call of Duty-PM-63

The PM-63 is a submachine gun from Call of Duty: Black Ops. The PM-63 is used by the Spetsnaz in a wide number of variations in the Presidential Decree mission. Most often it is found in the attack section on the missile. They come with magazine extensions, akimbo, or no attachments at all, but never with camouflage, unlike some AK-47s in this mission. In numbers, there is a PM-63 Akimbo in the first weapon stash, otherwise, it is not present in the mission. The weapon also makes a brief appearance in Crash Site, where it is used very briefly by the Spetsnaz.

Games Call of Duty 2 โ€“ Big Red One

Call of Duty 2: Big Red One is a first-person shooter video game developed by Treyarch and High Voltage Software and published by Activision for GameCube, PlayStation 2 and . It is a side-story of the original game Call of Duty 2, which was released on PC and Xbox 360 in the same year.

Call of Duty โ€“ Bog

Bog is a map from Call of Duty 4: Modern . Bog is set in a field in the Middle East, which is filled with scrap and garbage. There are four regions. The first is the swampy area in the northeast of the map. Although it looks very open there, the tank, randomly scattered garbage and tall grass can protect a soldierโ€™s life. The small hill can be used to aim a sniper rifle at the other side of the map. The next area is the middle building. Anyone on the west side of the building has a good chance of taking someone out with a sniper rifle, plus claymores are very effective in preventing uninvited guests from entering. The third area is the house in the corner to the southwest, from which you can aim perfectly in the center. Last but not least, there is the western side of the map, where there are containers and a bus. A patient and motionless sniper is a real surprise in the back corner for clumsy enemies. Even at that, you should put claymores in the building to the west of you, because itโ€™s just in peopleโ€™s blood to rush in there.

Camouflage Call of Duty โ€“ Red camouflage

Unlike other camouflages, red makes the weapon look extremely worn and scratched as there are multiple spots in the paintwork that have come off. This then contrasts with the attachments for the weapon, which are a dark red and donโ€™t even reflect the light as the weapon does. This also happens with the other mono-color camouflages, but itโ€™s not as obvious there. As with the red tiger stripes, red doesnโ€™t really go with any map and is, therefore, more for decoration than actual camouflage.

Fraction Call of Duty Imperial Japanese Army

The Imperial Japanese Army, or officially the Army of the Great Empire of Japan, was the military force of the country of Japan after it settled and started to start the industry. Japanโ€™s rapid rise as the dominant Eastern power demanded many raw materials, so the force took over surrounding countries to regain resources. As a result, Japan enjoyed power over the East during World War II until the great crash in 1945 when it was dissolved. The faction appears only in Call of Duty: World at War. Their counterparts on the high seas were the Imperial Japanese Navy.

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