Bury Aatrox In Ice With Trundle Vi Timelines! | Deck Breakdown & Gameplay | Legends of Runeterra

Thank you to Legends of #Runeterra – Topic for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nrjaill3Wjo


Tired of all those pesky equipment running around? Tired of the board centric Aatrox decks? Well, I have a deck for you! Trundle Vi Timelines is well positioned to counter all variations of Aatrox, and even Seraphine decks, due to having access to big units with timelines and removing their units/equipment with Buried In Ice. Don’t believe me? Well, watch us bully those decks in today’s showcase!



00:00 – Intro
04:14 – vs Vayne Aatrox Quinn
23:36 – vs Seraphine Ryze
30:29 – vs Rumble Vayne
37:57 – vs Katarina Gwen
44:09 – vs Kayn Aatrox
50:16 – Outro

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#Sirturmund #Legendsof#Runeterra #LoR #trundle #vi

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