Blizzard facilitates access to Epics

In Wrath of the Lich King, the Blizzard developers famously continued some features that they had first tested with WoW: Burning Crusade. Among them are the badges, for which you can buy epic items from certain merchants. In Northrend, however, these badges are called emblems. And if we look at a freshly implemented new feature of the WotLK Classic beta, it will be easier to the emblems in the new edition of the popular WoW addon than it was back then.

Where do you get the emblems?

The Emblems of heroism are available in the first content phase from heroic WotLK dungeons and from the 10-player raid instances of Northrend. The more valuable Emblems of Honor you can in turn get from the 25-player version of Naxxramas, Obisidian Sanctum and Eye of Eternity.

In addition, there are two NPCs in Dalaran who will provide you with daily quests to earn more emblems. Archmage Lan’dalock’s quests revolve around visiting heroic dungeons and reward you with two Emblems of Honor. Archmage Timear gives out missions for normal dungeons and promises two Emblems of Heroism for each of them.


WoW WotLK Classic: The Hero Dungeon Daily promises you two Emblems of Honor every day.
WoW WotLK Classic: The Hero Dungeon Daily promises you two emblems of honor every day.


WoW WotLK Classic: The Daily quest for normal Northrend dungeons.
WoW WotLK Classic: The Daily Quest for normal Northrend dungeons.

New: Emblems over quests

With the latest beta update, Blizzard developers have now added another source of emblems of heroism: “Story completion quests in Northrend now reward players with items/emblems of heroism for completing stories in each zone.

However, according to Scottejaye, a well-known Youtuber/streamer in the Classic scene, this does not mean that not only the final story quest of each zone rewards with an emblem of heroism, but significantly more. An example of this is the quest Placing Hodir’s Helmet, which simply completes a two-part quest line and earns you an emblem. Many open-world group quests reward you with the new Northrend Adventuring Supplies, which give you numerous potions, elixirs, scrolls, and food.

What can you buy for emblems?

We visited the Horde merchants in Sunshearer’s Refuge in Dalaran during the beta and took a look at what’s on offer. At Magister Brasael, the Emblems of Honor dealer, you can buy the five-piece epic PvP sets of the Hateful Gladiator for all classes. You can also buy the following items with item level 213:


WoW WotLK Classic: Magister Brasael only takes Emblems of Honor, but the items are better.WoW WotLK Classic: Magister Brasael takes only emblems of honor, but the items are better.

At Magistrix Lambriesse you will again find the five-piece blue PvP sets of the cruel gladiator for all classes, which cost Emblems of Heroism. More exciting for most players might be the rest of the offer, which is of epic quality:


WoW WotLK Classic: Magistrix Lambriesse sells Epics for Emblems of Heroism.WoW WotLK Classic: Magistrix Lambriesse sells Epics for Emblems of Heroism.

Right next to the two merchants, by the way, is Enchanter Erodin, who sells a nice selection of heirlooms (22 in total), for between 40 and 65 Emblems of Heroism per item. Heirlooms are designed to help you level up by leveling with your character and granting some bonus experience.



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