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Armies Call of Duty – Tropas

The Tropas are an army from Call of Duty: . They are soldiers from Cuba who serve under Fidel Castro. In the campaign, they only appear in the first mission, Operation 40, but they still appear in multiplayer as a playable faction. In Call of Duty: Black Ops II they appear in the mission Pyrrhic Victory. Thousands of Cuban soldiers and pilots were shipped to Angola in the 1980s to help the MPLA fight UNITA and South Africa. Alex Mason and Jason Hudson infiltrate a hut full of tropas to call Jonas Savimbi for help because the newly found Frank Woods needs to be evacuated. They are discovered by Raul Menendez, who is working with the Tropas, whereupon Mason takes him hostage. Menendez fights back and is able to throw Mason to the ground, but he is more nimble, shoots him in the face and flees. The Tropas rush after the three, but the trio manages to escape thanks to a UNITA helicopter.

Call of Duty – Anatoly (Modern Warfare 2)

Anatoly is a Russian ultranationalist who appears in the mission No Russian in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. When Vladimir Makarov, PFC Joseph Allen (under his alias Alexei Borodin), Viktor, Kiril and Lev start a rampage at Zakhaev International Airport, Anatoly ends up picking up his two comrades Viktor and Vladimir in an ambulance. He does not take part in the massacre itself, acting more as the getaway driver at the end.

Weapons Call of Duty-Widowmaker

The M202 Widowmaker is a missile launcher that holds multiple missiles and appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops. The Widowmaker only appears in the Numbers and Victor Charlie missions, but is also used by Frank Woods and Joseph Bowman in Crash Site. In the campaign you can access a unique feature, namely the ability to fire multiple missiles at once. To do this, you have to go into the sights and press the sprint/hold air button. A number next to the sight will begin to rotate to indicate how many missiles are now being fired.

Games Call of Duty – Modern Warfare 3

CALL OF DUTY MW3 Modern Warfare is back. The best-selling first person action series of all-time returns with the epic sequel to multiple Game of the Year award winner, Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare 2.

Maps Call of Duty – Bog

Bog is a multiplayer map from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Bog is set in a field in the Middle East, which is filled with scrap and garbage. There are four regions. The first is the swampy area in the northeast of the map. Although it looks very open there, the tank, randomly scattered garbage and tall grass can protect a soldier’s life. The small hill can be used to aim a sniper rifle at the other side of the map. The next area is the middle . Anyone on the west side of the building has a good chance of taking someone out with a sniper rifle, plus claymores are very effective in preventing uninvited guests from entering. The third area is the house in the corner to the southwest, from which you can aim perfectly in the center. Last but not least, there is the western side of the map, where there are containers and a bus. A patient and motionless sniper is a real surprise in the back corner for clumsy enemies. Even at that, you should put claymores in the building to the west of you, because it’s just in people’s blood to rush in there.

Camouflage Call of Duty – Sahara Desert camouflage

Sahara is slightly based on desert camouflage. It was named after a large desert located in the northern part of Africa. In Black Ops II, she does not appear in multiplayer, only in the campaign.

Fraction Call of Duty Imperial Japanese Army

The Imperial Japanese Army, or officially the Army of the Great Empire of Japan, was the military force of the country of Japan after it settled and started to start the industry. Japan’s rapid rise as the dominant Eastern power demanded many raw materials, so the force took over surrounding countries to regain resources. As a result, Japan enjoyed power over the East during World War II until the great crash in 1945 when it was dissolved. The faction appears only in Call of Duty: World at War. Their counterparts on the high seas were the Imperial Japanese Navy.

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