Bisu! Best! Ample! Yoon! Phantom Mode! TMA! FFA! FME! StarCraft Brood War – 2024

Thank you to Falcon Paladin for uploading this video

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##StarCraft ##StarCraftRemastered #broodwar

0:00 Falcon Wakes Up
10:21 Falcon Says Hello!
15:05 PvT FME SRET vs dkdlrh
24:01 F-Rank TvZ Potato#Terran vs minkzilla
48:34 Crazy Critters Bloodbath 2v2 TTvPT
1:11:25 3v3 BGH ZZTvZPP Beyonce
1:45:45 PvT Ample vs Best on #Overwatch
2:07:23 semizeu007 4v4 FME NUKES
2:26:27 PvZ #Bisu vs Yoon on Apocalypse
2:45:32 2v2 on Fighting #Spirit TTvPP
3:05:06 Phantom #1 CanIplayplz Detroit SaviorSword Striker Toma Realultra Psychonuts DeadInfested
3:25:08 Phantom #2 verszivo Lucky_owl hamster RD kokomi RJB ToyCop Critter
3:58:08 Phantom #3 scoutt Xtv CanIplayplz Realultra JohnDoe Ahmed ToyCop bigwan
4:29:10 Team Micro Arena SaviorSword/hamster/Lucky_owl vs CanIplayplz/Realultra/scoutt
4:59:34 Hero 7v1 RJB #Terran Hero
5:28:56 Hero 7v1 hamster #Protoss Hero
5:49:26 Falcon Unrest FFA JohnDoe bigwan Toma Critter Striker Kyaralonous scoutt RJB

#Starcraft Heroes – Daggoth.

Daggoth, the Overmind’s right hand and one of its greatest cerebrates, was the master of the Tiamat Brood, the largest and most powerful brood within the #Zerg Swarm. Daggoth served the Overmind with ferocity and valor.[1] In order to support his own operations, Daggoth had access to the Hunter Killer, a special and powerful type of hydralisk.

Planets #Starcraft – #Tarsonis.

On the planet #Tarsonis landed the gigantic supercarrier Nagglfar, one of the four colony ships #Terrans to the Koprulu sector. Because the Nagglfar had led the flotilla, on board was the supercomputer ATLAS, which had guided all four ships on their eighty-two-year voyage.

#Starcraft Units – Marodeur.

Produced from a Barracks with a Tech Lab, most of this unit’s attention will be against other armored units such as the Roach or the Stalker. Being almost the opposite of a Marine this unit is meaty and slow firing, and will take some attention during battles to make this unit target Armored units to do full damage.

#Starcraft Missions – Evolution of #Zerglings.

Overnight, the apocalypse befalls the #Terran colonies: 2 alien races invade the sector, seemingly destroying everything in their path. But the real reason is far more gigantic than first assumed.

#Starcraft Buildings – Baneling Nest.

The Baneling Nest is a #Zerg building that enables a #Zerg player to and upgrade Banelings. The only upgrade available at the Baneling Nest is the Centrifugal Hooks; which increases Baneling movement speed.


#StarCraft is a real-time strategy game developed by #Blizzard Entertainment and released in 1998. In the same year, the only official expansion, #StarCraft: #BroodWar, was released, which continues the story of the basic game and includes new game contents. In 2000, the game, including the expansion, was adapted by Mass Media and Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 gaming platform. With more than 9.5 million copies sold, #StarCraft was the best-selling real-time strategy game in August 2007. On April 19, 2017, #StarCraft was released for free, including the #BroodWar expansion and some customization’s.

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