Best ST Builds for FIFA 22

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Sule Vs Pique: First Showdown SBC in 22!

FC Bayern vs FC Barcelona… for some it’s about everything, for others it’s like giving away your last games in the Weekend League. What sounds like a duel on European top level is (unfortunately) more like a two-tier society this year. Well, after all the hustle and bustle around Black Friday and the new TOTGS cards, there is a new SBC! A showdown, to be exact. What it is and how to complete the SBCs, you can find out here.

Ligue 1 TOTS starts – complete leaked?

We are really excited about the TOTS, as you can see in the wonderful overview article, which the dear Lukas Scherbaum has conjured up. With Team of the – Season , it also always lends itself pretty well to predicting the individual players of each league. So… what are we waiting for? Here is our prediction for the Ligue 1 Team of the – Season in FIFA 22!

FIFA 22 Serie A TOTS is live – With Leao, Vlahovic and Hernández

The football – Season is over: In the Champions League we saw some absolutely amazing matches, in Italy AC Milan was able to win the title again after eleven long years. And in FIFA 22 there is the Team of the – Season – probably the second biggest event of the year after the TOTY in January .


The two players from Team FUTWIZ are familiar with the international scene. They’ve featured in global tournaments on and off since FIFA 17, with Marko’s participation in the FeWC standing out. Can the long-time teammates now also reach the top of the Team of the – Season Cup?

Latest TOTW Upgrade SBC: Mbappé Inform for 15K?

Like every week we get new SBCs in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team. Besides all the events like the Adidas NumbersUp or the Rulebreakers there is also a challenge with special cards on the program. We show you here how you can complete the TOTW Upgrade SBC and if it is worth it at all.

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