Apex Legends - Wraith & Fuse Offense

Apex Legends: Wraith & Fuse in LoL eSport

League of Legends Champion – Assassin FioraThe most feared duelist in all Valoran, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and political cunning as she is for the speed of her rapier. Born to the noble Laurent family in Demacia, Fiora claimed the household from her father in the... read more
Apex Legends - Insane Fusing

Insane Fusing: Apex Legends Meets LoL eSports

League of Legends Champion – Assassin Master-yiMaster Yi has tempered his body and sharpened his mind, so that thought and action have become almost as one. Though he chooses to enter into violence only as a last resort, the grace and speed of his blade ensures resolution is always swift.... read more
Apex Legends - "It's over Wraith, we have the high ground!" "You under-estimate our power!"

Apex Legends: ‘It’s Over, Wraith – High Ground!

League of Legends Champion – Assassin KassadinCutting a burning swath through the darkest places of the world, Kassadin knows his days are numbered. A widely traveled Shuriman guide and adventurer, he had chosen to raise a family among the peaceful southern tribes—until the day his village was consumed by the... read more
Apex Legends - Insane accuracy

Apex Legends – Insane accuracy League of Legends eSports

League of Legends Champion – Assassin KassadinCutting a burning swath through the darkest places of the world, Kassadin knows his days are numbered. A widely traveled Shuriman guide and adventurer, he had chosen to raise a family among the peaceful southern tribes—until the day his village was consumed by the... read more
Apex Legends - 3030 sniping, long direct knuckle & stylish kills

Apex Legends – 3030 sniping, long direct knuckle & stylish kills League of Legends eSports

League of Legends Champion – Assassin TryndamereFueled by unbridled fury and rage, Tryndamere once carved his way through the Freljord, openly challenging the greatest warriors of the north to prepare himself for even darker days ahead. The wrathful barbarian has long sought revenge for the annihilation of his clan, but... read more
Apex Legends - Jumppad Denial

Apex Legends – Jumppad Denial League of Legends eSports

League of Legends Champion – Assassin Kha-ZixThe Void grows, and the Void adapts—in none of its myriad spawn are these truths more apparent than Kha’Zix. Evolution drives the core of this mutating horror, born to survive and to slay the strong. Where it struggles to do so, it grows new,... read more
Apex Legends - Targets in sight

Apex Legends – Targets in sight League of Legends eSports

League of Legends Champion – Assassin IreliaThe Noxian occupation of Ionia produced many heroes, none more unlikely than young Irelia of Navori. Trained in the ancient dances of her province, she adapted her art for war, using the graceful and carefully practised movements to levitate a host of deadly blades.... read more
Apex Legends - Fuse Squad Wipe

Apex Legends – Fuse Squad Wipe League of Legends eSports

League of Legends Champion – Mage CassiopeiaCassiopeia is a deadly creature bent on manipulating others to her will. Youngest and most beautiful daughter of the noble Du Couteau family of Noxus, she ventured deep into the crypts beneath Shurima in search of ancient power. There, she was bitten by a... read more
Apex Legends - When you play Fuse daily

Apex Legends – When you play Fuse daily League of Legends eSports

League of Legends Champion – Fighter RumbleRumble is a young inventor with a temper. Using nothing more than his own two hands and a heap of scrap, the feisty yordle constructed a colossal mech suit outfitted with an arsenal of electrified harpoons and incendiary rockets. Though others may scoff and... read more
Apex Legends - How to melee properly

Apex Legends – How to melee properly League of Legends eSports

League of Legends Champion – Fighter GragasEqual parts jolly and imposing, Gragas is a massive, rowdy brewmaster on his own quest for the perfect pint of ale. Hailing from parts unknown, he now searches for rare ingredients among the unblemished wastes of the Freljord, trying each recipe as he goes.... read more
Apex Legends - Sliding R301

Apex Legends – Sliding R301 League of Legends eSports

League of Legends Champion – Assassin NocturneA demonic amalgamation drawn from the nightmares that haunt every sentient mind, the thing known as Nocturne has become a primordial force of pure terror. It is liquidly chaotic in aspect, a faceless shadow with cold eyes and armed with wicked-looking blades. After freeing... read more
Apex Legends - The Just-In-Time Snipe

Apex Legends – The Just-In-Time Snipe League of Legends eSports

League of Legends Champion – Assassin YoneIn life, he was Yone—half-brother of Yasuo, and renowned student of his village’s sword school. But upon his death at the hands of his brother, he found himself hunted by a malevolent entity of the spirit realm, and was forced to slay it with... read more