At DreamHack and in the livestream

On January 25 and 26, the Rainbow Six Siege Clash of Nations will take place. We reveal how you can watch the finals live at or in the livestream.

  • On January 25 and 26, 2020 the Rainbow Six Siege Clash of Nations will take place
  • Four teams will play for the title of “Best Rainbow Six in German-speaking countries”.
  • Fans can follow the tournament live at DreamHack or via livestream

In a few days takes place on the DreamHack in Leipzig the big Rainbow Six Siege will take place. In the so-called Clash of Nations the three best teams from Germany (G), Austria (A) and Switzerland (S) will compete during the biggest Lan-Party in Germany to find out who will win the R6S crown in the German-speaking region may wear. In addition to this, a fourth opponent will be determined before the start of the tournament, who will win the Participant field completes. We reveal when the most important matches take place, who the Caster are and what possibilities there are to Clash of Nations live on site or in stream from home to follow. For those who cannot follow the stream, we have our live ticker available for the weekend.

Rainbow Six Siege Clash of Nations: When do the matches take place? – The schedule at a glance

Rainbow Six Siege Clash of Nations: The schedule at a glance. © Ubisoft

The Rainbow Six Siege Clash of Nations is already going on the January 24, 2020 into its first, unofficial round. The so-called BYOC Tournament serves to determine the fourth participant for the semifinals the next day. Six opponents will compete from 16:00 on Friday to secure the Match against Austrian powerhouse Team Alpenfestung. to secure. On Saturday, the spectacle continues with the two Semifinals continues. The opening ceremony starts already at 11:30. A little later finally starts the Coverage for the grand finale Sunday, January 26. Here the complete Schedule at a glance:

16:00 – Opening11:30 – Opening ceremony11:15 – Opening ceremony
16:10 – Quarter Finals12:00 -Orgless vs. mYinsanity11:45 – Final
17:45 – Semifinals15:30 – Alpine Fortress vs. BYOC
19:20 – Final

Watch the Rainbow Six Siege Clash of Nations on the Ubisoft Livestream: Here’s how

Probably the most convenient way to follow the action in Rainbow Six Siege Clash of Nations is to watch one of the numerous livestreams that Ubisoft has created. On almost all popular Video and streaming platforms the organizer broadcasts the major German tournament. Most viewers are likely to watch on the official Twitch channel join the game. But also on YouTube, Mixer and Periscope there is a simultaneous broadcast of the competitions. One of the advantages in the livestream is of course due to the community interaction. In the chat, they can take part in the digital festivities or talk shop with other players about the game.

All streams on all platforms go round 15 minutes before the start of the daily events online and broadcast the matches in German language. Whether there will be an additional cast in English is not yet known. However, since in the Clash of Nations exclusively teams from the German area the broadcast on the official e-sports channels of Rainbow Six Siege seems quite unlikely. The Livestream on Twitch you can follow comfortably via our page in the player of the streaming platform embedded below. The live broadcast on YouTube runs via the German channel UbisoftDE.

The same goes for the livestream on Microsoft’s Mixer platform. Here, too, Ubisoft hosts a Broadcast live from DreamHack Leipzig – including pre-event coverage, interviews and the opening ceremony. Those who prefer to follow the Rainbow Six Clash of Nations via their Twitter feed will instead resort to the third and final streaming platform of the event: Periscope. To do this, simply keep the German Rainbow Six Siege Twitter account keep an eye on it and tune in on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to make sure you don’t miss a second of the event. The Kickoff is Friday at 15:45, when six teams will battle for the fourth semifinal spot.

Watch the Rainbow Six Siege Clash of Nations live at DreamHack: Here’s how!

Alternatively, if you want to experience the Clash of Nations up close and personal and be part of the partying crowd, you can venture a trip to Leipzig to attend the biggest lan party in the republic. Shortly before the start of DreamHack are Tickets still available. To see the Clash of Nations live on site to experience, it needs no more than a conventional visitor ticketwhich is already available for 23,50€ as a day ticket. Those who want to visit DreamHack on all three tournament days will pay 54,00€ as a visitor. There is bad news for all those who want to take their PC to the fair to participate in the Lan. Places in the LAN area were already sold out a few days after the end of last year’s DreamHack.

Prices for DreamHack tickets at a glance

  • Day Ticket – 23,50€
  • Event Pass – 54,00€
  • Day Ticket (12-15 years) – 9,50€
  • Event pass (12-15 years) – 23,00€
  • DreamLeague – Season 13: The Leipzig Major Day Ticket – €39.00
  • DreamLeague – Season 13: The Leipzig Major – Season Ticket – 69,00€

The Rainbow Six Siege Clash of Nations will take place on Friday, the 24.01.20 from 16:00 clock in Hall 5 of the DreamHack will take place. However, all spectators must be at least 18 years old and have a valid visitor ticket have. Also on the following Saturday, the 25.01.20 Rainbow Six fans can find themselves in Hall 5. Both semi-finals will be played on the stage there. The same applies to the third day of the tournament. On Sunday the grand final starts at 11:15 a.m. – also in Hall 5. Who wants to see the complete program of the fair would like to know, can look up in the official event calendar for DreamHack Leipzig.

Rainbow Six Siege Clash of Nations: Who are the casters? Who is hosting the show?

In order to choose the best team in the German-speaking world, it is of course necessary to have competent casters, moderators and analysts, who will lead through the three-day program. Ubisoft has not let itself be lumpen and a few big names of the Rainbow Six Siege scene committed, which should be a familiar name to most fans. Marius “Verdipwnz” Lauer leads alongside Michael “ZanderLP” Müller through the tournament and welcomes numerous analysts, casters and prominent names of the scene at DreamHack. Here the complete talent lineup at a glance:

Marius \”Verdipwnz\” LauerStagehost
Michael \”ZanderLP\” MüllerStagehost
Markus \”FOX\” SchwennCaster
Christoph \”EarlyBird\” EarleCaster
Thore \”ThoreBNB\” LehmannCaster
Tobias \”ShatterXX\” JudgeCaster
Lucian \”Agony\” KohnAnalyst
Ihno \”Harris\” KampenAnalyst
Julian \”Zer0089\” RottObserver

For more information about the Rainbow Six Siege Clash of Nations, check out our overview with all the important information about the tournament, the format, rules and prize money.

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