apex players screwed over by EA or Respawn…

Thank you to for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEhWnTid2kg

screwed over by EA or Respawn…this is not fair

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JMeyels Here,
Apex Fans were NOT happy after the recent discovery of the announced “pro” team competed and invited to Season 2. Nokokopuffs and his team were invited despite having a player with no ALGS points, and noko not competing in a while. An update on this since the video was recorded was that there was actually a response to the original tweet saying specifically the teams were chosen on pure merit and not credentials! Let me know what you think of this down below and is this fair for potential up and coming apex professional players?

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0:00 Spicy beginning
0:22 Intro
0:29 Say Hello to Kyle Kevin
1:11 Topic Summaries
2:19 New Collection Event Town Takeover
4:12 apex player Screwed over
7:31 Golden Nuggets
9:39 Positive Vibes for Kevin and Kyle

#JMeyels ##ApexLegends

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