Apex Legends: The Final Mastiff

Champion – Fighter Gangplank

As unpredictable as he is brutal, the dethroned reaver king Gangplank is feared far and wide. Once, he ruled the port city of Bilgewater, and while his reign is over, there are those who believe this has only made him more dangerous. Gangplank would see Bilgewater bathed in blood once more before letting someone else take it—and now with pistol, cutlass, and barrels of gunpowder, he is determined to reclaim what he has lost.

of Legends Teams – Fnatic

Fnatic and Dota 2 have always had a difficult relationship with each other. If you were to ask a non-Dota connoisseur how Fnatic is doing, the answer would be unequivocal: “Somewhere upstairs”. The reality therefore seems much more unreal, Fnatic has not yet had a podium success in Dota. Only a second place at the DreamLeague – Season 9 and the DOTA Summit 8 are worth mentioning at all.

- New EDG

The 2021 Worlds have come to an end. Edward ’s final victory over DAMWON KIA rocked the League of Legends world. After a shaky second week of the group stage, many viewers had EDG off their list of favorites, but nobody better write off the best-of-fives.

League of Legends Guides- Amumu

In this – Season 11 Champion Guide, we’ll take a look at Amumu in the Jungle. We’ll show you what makes the mummy so strong and how to give all the assassins a run for their money – on the strongest position of the solo cue, of course. Let’s start with our – Season 11 Amumu Champion Guide!

LoL League of Legends – Patch Notes 10.18 – All Buffs and Nerfs!

League of Legends is heading towards the Worlds and is putting the final touches on the meta – everything has to be fancy for the big event. In order to make the champion pool as large as possible, Games has especially improved less played champs like Rumble, Twitch and Xin Zhao in patch 10.18. Many frequently picked champs, especially in the LEC/LCS, such as Sett and Ashe, have had to take a few cuts in return.

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