Apex Legends – Season 10: Why there is no celebration and where Seer’s dance moves come from.

During an interview with some of the developers of , we were able to get some new information that we don’t want to withhold from you. Especially the upcoming legend Seer, as well as the balancing in the tenth – Season were in the focus of the developers – clear, because the tenth – Season has just started on PC and consoles. The tenth – Season , that should be a reason to celebrate, full of extras and surprises, right? Well, Steven Ferreira, the assistant producer, doesn’t quite see it that way:

“Usually it’s more the anniversaries that we focus on,” Ferreira said. “Of course, Emergence is a big – Season and we put in a lot of cool stuff and a lot of features, but I don’t think we look at it any differently than the other – Season s. We’re excited to see how will interact with the new map, the new weapon and the new legend. But it’s not like an anniversary – Season , which are usually our bigger milestones that we celebrate.”

Alright, so there doesn’t seem to be any special event or anything planned to celebrate Apex Legends’ already tenth – Season . Since the battle royale will celebrate its fifth birthday in 2022, maybe you can expect something like that at that time. The next big milestone is in 2027… here Apex will celebrate its tenth birthday.

For its second birthday, EA gave rewards.

If developer Respawn Entertainment isn’t celebrating, then at least the balancing has to run smoothly, right? That’s exactly why we asked the designer for weapons and rankings himself how the optimization for the tenth – Season went. The question is, on what data and analysis are the decisions for the coming year based?

“We look at tons of data,” s game designer Eric Canavese. “It’s hard to define exactly what kind of data we’re looking at because it’s so vast, but the most important data that informs our balancing decisions answers questions like, “How much damage can someone do with a weapon before they die?” or “How many kills does a weapon usually get before someone dies?” We combine the answers to these with the different skill levels of players in different game modes to get an idea of the current state of balancing for a particular game content.

“If we see weapons or legendaries that are over- or under-performing over a period of time, we’ll take a closer look and talk to our design teams about how we can adjust the levels. We can get it right the first time, but it can take months to hit the mark on balancing. Rampage and Seer we’ve played very long and hard, but that all changes when millions and millions of players get their hands on them and all the new data comes in that we didn’t have access to before.

The Rampage LMG for those who haven’t seen it yet.

Eric also has answers to the question of what expectations come with these changes:

“We’re hoping that weapons like the L-Star will get played more later in the game because we’re adding barrel and magazine attachments,” the game designer said. “With the Spitfire going into the loot containers, we expect people to switch to the Rampage and give it a chance. I expect the Rampage to fuel a whole range of midrange fights.”

“When Alternator comes into containers, it’s going to lead to changes in the early-game because players often chose them right after the drop. So how will people adjust their playstyle in the early game and how will that affect arenas? That’s something we’re really trying to figure out. The alternater was very common in the arena. What are people doing now? I’m very excited to see how players’ buying habits will evolve with these kinds of changes.”

“When you change the Spitfire from 18 damage to 19 damage, that small change can upset the whole balance of the meta. So it’s very hard to predict how any part of the patch will affect the meta, but I can tell you that we’ll be there, listening and reading every story on reddit and every anecdote we can get our hands on, thereby verifying the impact of our changes.”

During the interview, we were able to get more information and insights about “Emergence”. For example, the team does not design weapons or legendaries specifically for one mode and tries to avoid overlapping abilities or the same weapons, according to game designer John Ellenton. In the arena, Senior Designer Robert West said Legends are customized mainly by their cooldowns or costs, as well as recharges of their abilities.

In addition, the team talked a lot about the upcoming legend Seer. We wanted to know how the mystical legend was created.

Seer has an artistic background – and probably the best dance moves from all of Apex Legends.

Lead Writer Amanda Doiron says about two years of work went into the artistic character. Hafid Roserie from Art Direction explains that the creation of Seer was driven primarily by his story. He needed to be mysterious and artistic at the same time. So for the design team, the question was, “How do we create this character that stands out from all the other heroes while taking his own place?” They drew a lot of inspiration from the fashion industry and from dancers – from whom Seer inherited his physique as well as his movements. As Doiron explains, a professional dancer was even hired to record Seer’s motion capture.

Even though Seer is the first Legend to join Apex Legends at a time when Arenas are already an integral part of the game and Ranked Mode is making its entrance, he wasn’t designed specifically for that mode. However, software engineer Travis Nordin finds it very effective in the arena. Originally, the team had even planned completely different abilities for Seer. He was supposed to have a strong auditory focus, with a decoy grenade that simulates gunshot sounds and a dome that swallows sounds. However, since no one would have been able to rely on the sounds in the game, Seer’s kit was reworked.

When asked what other legends Seer will have good synergy with, Travis responded with Bloodhound. This can track enemies in a wider field of view and allow Seer to use his tactical ability more effectively. From the round, the other developers also threw legendaries like Valkyrie, Octane, Mirage, Crypto, and Revenant into the ring.

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