Apex Legends New Season 16 Upgrade Cancellation

Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxUHOGvk-TI

#ApexLegends New Update Cancellation Controversy as we are approaching the 4 year annivesary collection event and still are waiting for a next gen update along with cross progression yet do not seem to be any closer to having them yet at the same time are getting 3 collection events a season with new recolors for exisiting skins and a future wraith heirloom recolor and more legendary and epic skins will still wait for overall fixes to the game.
Credit To Dataminers:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shrugtal
The Gaming Merchant: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheGamingMerchant
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kralrindo
Youtube: https://t.co/AI2S7wzJon?amp=1
Minute Updates: https://www.youtube.com/c/minuteupdates
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GarretLeaks
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/garretdyel
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