Apex Legends New Legend Conduit: Abilities & Lore

Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9C9IVi-GBU

#ApexLegends New Legend Conduit: Abilities & Gameplaywe discuss the new legend and her gameplay and abilities falling into the Support category, Conduit’s kit revolves around regenerating allied shields at the expense of their own, and of course, damaging the shields of enemies. Check out the ability descriptions below:
Passive: Capacitance – Conduit regenerates shield over time and gains extra regen for each nearby ally.
Tactical: Arc #Flash – Heals the shields of targeted allies at the cost of some of her own.
Ultimate: Alternating Current – Conduit launches an arc cluster bomb damaging the shields of people near the blasts. This heals Conduit based on the damage dealt.
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