Apex Legends New Heirlooms Are The End Of Buffs

Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT8AjEHz5NA

#ApexLegends New Heirlooms Are The End Of Buffs as legend ability's wont be receiving buffs as they have in the past unless the legend is slatted for an heirloom release as we have seen time and time again most recently with the new ash heirloom for the sun squad collection event as she is the only legend to recieve any changes in the patch notes. This also coincides with Respawn devs announcing yesterday they are looking to remove aim assist on controller while also looking at removing tap strafing from pc.
Giveaway winner announced at end of video, Direct Message on Twitter to claim prize if you are a winner!
Credit To Dataminers:
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/GarretLeaks
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#apexlegendsnews #apexlegendsbuffsandnerfs #apexlegendsheirloom

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