Apex Legends New ALGS Event Skins

is adding new changes to Heirloom skins and the way they will function in the game with the upcoming leaked mythic skin by adding unique skydive emotes along with legendary and heirloom tier select screen animations. We also have the new streetwear summer event next month at the same time of the ALGS event in North Carolina and with it a new shop and store rotation with new legendary skins to represent all the teams there! Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwCrlXYUqso

Credit To Dataminers:
Shrugtal: Twitter: https://twitter.com/shrugtal
The Gaming Merchant: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheGamingMerchant
Kralrindo: Twitter: https://twitter.com/kralrindo
Youtube: https://t.co/AI2S7wzJon?amp=1
Minute Updates: https://www.youtube.com/c/minuteupdates
Garretleaks: Twitter: https://twitter.com/GarretLeaks
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/garretdyel
Thank You to Rascaol for Thumbnail #Skins: https://twitter.com/rascaol

#apexlegendsnews #apexlegendsheirloom #apexlegendsleaks


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