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0:00 โ€“ Intro
0:37 โ€“ Why Are Drops Hot?
2:04 โ€“ Lock Down an Area
3:59 โ€“ Loot For The Fight
4:50 โ€“ Which Fights to Take
5:56 โ€“ Get That Armor!
7:24 โ€“ Knock, Knock, Knockโ€ฆ
9:03 โ€“ Summary

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Concepts: How to play , Guide to Apex Legends, Guide, For noobs, Apex for noobs, Ultimate Beginners Guide, How to Win Games, Stop losing games, Learn Apex Legends, , Best weapons Season 11, Most OP weapons in season 11, Worst Weapons in Season 11 Apex, Strong guns in apex legends, Weapon Tier List, Gun tier list, Apex Legends Tierlist, ALC, Fighting Guide, Season 11, Horizon Guide, How to Carry Your team, How to Stop Losing, Start winning more games, Best way to close out games, How to Rank up

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