Apex Legends Doppelganger Event W/ Viewers!

Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGLUdafA4RU

#ApexLegends Doppelganger Event W/ Viewers as the darkness isn’t departing yet, Legends. In fact, it’s spreading. Take part in Trick N’ Treats Trios — where you become the terror while collecting Candy for a bonus and using the new event survival item, Copycat Kits. We hope you’re not afraid of the as the midnight hour has fallen on Kings Canyon, Olympus, and World’s Edge with their After Dark variants. Bonus, unlock all 24 event items, before the event ends, to receive Revenant’s Prestige Skin. Read on to learn more about the Doppelgangers Collection Event running October 17-31, 2023.

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