Apex AI opens office in Gothenburg

Software opens office in

In addition to its three offices in Germany, the California-based software company is now opening an office in Sweden.

California-based software company Apex AI is expanding its commitment in Europe and opening a location in Gothenburg. The goal is, on the one hand, to get spatially closer to Scandinavian customers, according to a press release on Tuesday. On the other hand, Apex AI wants to gain the know-how and of the Swedish-based software developer community.

Gothenburg is one of the cities where distinctive software specialist networks have developed. For example, the Autosar consortium, an alliance of OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers, semiconductor manufacturers and software producers, relies on them. “We are initially starting with a small team in Gothenburg, but we want to significantly expand it soon,” announced Jan Becker, CEO of Apex AI.

The company says it is receiving support from the Gothenburg region to enter the market there. The common goal, he said, is the sustainable creation of jobs.

Daimler Truck invests in Apex AI

Last week, Apex AI had already announced the entry of Daimler Truck as an investor. The commercial vehicle manufacturer had entered into a strategic minority investment. Investors so far have already included various industry giants, including Toyota Ventures, Volvo Group Venture Capital, Jaguar Land Rover’s InMotion Ventures, Airbus Ventures, Continental, ZF, Agco, and Hella Ventures.

Apex.AI is developing a software toolbox that can be used to develop operating systems and middleware.[Continental)

Apex AI is based in Palo Alto, California, and develops scalable software for mobility systems. The company’s flagship product is Apex OS, a meta-operating system designed to enable faster and easier software development for mobility, smart machines, and IoT.

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