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Agents- Sentinel

What was discussed about the agent updates last week? No nerfs for , Yoru wasn’t reworked either – but there were changes for KAY/O, Skye, and . Playing in Ranked Mode is not the same anymore. The meta has shifted and Riot wants to turn it upside down once again with a new Sentinel Agent.

Valorant player of the month, February 2022: penny

The VCT Challengers are hype and full of exciting matches. Many of you probably only watch the “main” matches – you know, the ones with the big names and established organizations. That’s understandable, but it’s also an easy way to overlook talented players like Version1’s Erik “penny” Penny, who we’re going to dedicate an entire article to today.

Leak: Valorant Act 2 Battle Pass Zedd Skins Coming

Rumors that famous pop music producer Zedd is planning to collaborate with Riot Games surfaced just a few months before the release of the latest Battle Pass. You might have been following his Twitch streams and heard about his ranking achievements in Valorant. And as it turns out,

How to play Sentinels in Valorant: Complete Guide

Of all the of , Sentinels are the most different. But you should not underestimate their importance for the composition. So if you want to play a Sentinel Agent, learn everything you need to know here!

Patch Notes – Valorant Roster Changes: July 2021

The Valorant Champions Tour is finally back! Currently, qualifiers are underway in each region, but some organizations are making last minute roster changes. Here are the most important of them.

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Valorant is a free-to-play multiplayer first-person shooter developed by Riot Games. It is the first game developed by Riot Games in this genre. The game was first announced in October 2019 with the code-name . It was released for Windows on June 2, 2020. It was originally scheduled for release in the summer of 2020. A closed beta launched back on April 7, 2020, and participation for the closed beta was done by sending game-keys for watching live streams of the game on the video platform Twitch (so-called “Twitch Drops”). The Twitch account had to be connected to the Riot Games account for this. Valorant left the beta phase on June 2, 2020.

Valorant Agent, Valorant Agents, Valorant, Valorant Controller Agent, Valorant Duelist Agent, Valorant Initiator Agent, Valorant Sentinel Agent, Valorant Game, Riot Games,

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