League of Legends ADC Guide – Best Champions and Positioning for Carrying

Just as you launch on your journey in League of Legends, mastering the role of ADC (Attack Damage Carry) can significantly elevate your gameplay. This will equip you with important insights on the best to dominate the bot lane and the optimal that will allow you to not only survive but carry your team to . With the right knowledge and practice, you can enhance your impact in matches and become the driving force behind your team’s success.

Understanding the ADC Role

Before entering into specific champions and strategies, it’s crucial to grasp the ADC role within your team’s dynamics.

Definition of ADC

Role of the ADC, or Attack Damage Carry, is to deal sustained damage in team fights and skirmishes, typically from the bottom lane. You focus on auto-attack damage while relying on your teammates for protection and effective positioning.

Importance of the ADC in Team Composition

One of your primary contributions as an ADC is your ability to scale into the late game, where your damage output becomes crucial for securing objectives and winning fights.

Understanding your importance in team composition means recognizing that you are the backbone of your team’s damage. Without adequate damage, your team may struggle to defeat opponents in critical moments, especially during objectives like Dragon and Baron. As an ADC, your presence can heavily influence the outcome of battles and the overall game.

Key Responsibilities of an ADC Player

There’s more to your role than just dealing damage. You must effectively manage your positioning, farm minions, and coordinate with your to maximize your potential.

Being an ADC means taking on key responsibilities such as last-hitting minions for gold, understanding when to engage or retreat, and maintaining vision control. Your role requires you to balance aggression with caution to ensure you can continuously output damage while staying alive. Proper positioning in team fights allows you to avoid threats while maximizing your contributions to securing objectives.

Types of ADC Champions

There’s a diverse range of ADC champions in League of Legends, each offering unique strengths and strategies in a match. Understanding these types can help you choose the right champion for your playstyle and your team’s composition.

  • Marksmen
  • AP ADC Champions
  • Hybrid Champions
  • Attack Speed-Based
  • Ability Power-Based
Champion TypeDescription
MarksmenStandard ADC champions that rely on auto-attacks for damage output.
AP ADC ChampionsADC champions that scale with ability power and deal magic damage.
Hybrid ChampionsChampions that can deal both physical and magic damage effectively.
Attack Speed-BasedFocus on increasing attack speed for rapid damage output.
Ability Power-BasedChampions that use abilities as their primary source of damage.

Marksman Overview

While marksmen are the traditional ADC champions, they excel in consistent damage output, especially in team fights and during late-game skirmishes. These champions rely heavily on their basic attacks and scale well with critical strike chance and attack damage.

AP ADC Champions

To diversify your ADC choices, AP ADC champions provide an alternative playstyle by dealing magic damage with their abilities. These champions can sometimes catch opponents off-guard as they are not the typical choice for the role and can often burst squishier targets quickly.

The advantage of AP ADC champions lies in their unique ability to utilize ability power, making them effective against tanks and building mixed damage threats. Champions like Kayle and Kog’Maw can deal significant AP-based damage alongside their basic attacks, allowing you to surprise your enemies with unexpected bursts.

Hybrid Champions

While hybrid champions can adapt to both physical and magic damage output, they provide flexibility in your build and approach to combat. Hybrid stats allow these champions to confuse opponents and optimize their damage potential based on the game’s circumstances.

Plus, hybrid champions can blend the strengths of both ADC types, enabling you to build items that take advantage of both attack damage and ability power. This versatility makes them suitable in a variety of matchups, allowing you to adjust your playstyle according to the enemy team composition.

Any player can find success with the right understanding of champion types and consistent practice in positioning and decision-making during matches.

Top ADC Champions in the Current Meta

Now, finding the right ADC champion can make a significant difference in your gameplay. Understanding the current meta and which champions are dominating will set you up for success on the Rift.

S-tier Champions

Meta analysis reveals that S-tier champions are the top picks for climb and impact, offering unmatched damage output and utility. Champions like Jhin and Kai’Sa dominate the bot lane, providing versatility to handle various matchups.

A-tier Champions

With A-tier champions, you still have solid options that can carry games effectively. Champions like Miss Fortune and Samira provide great damage while being slightly less oppressive than their S-tier counterparts.

This tier benefits who may not yet have mastered the S-tier champions but still wish to influence games significantly. A-tier champions are generally easy to learn and have manageable skill requirements, making them reliable choices for both and seasoned players alike.

B-tier Champions

Even though B-tier champions may not be as dominant as S or A-tier, they can still provide great utility if played well. Champions like Ezreal and Ashe require specific conditions to shine but can be pivotal in the right hands.

A good with B-tier champions is to focus on your positioning and . While they might not always be game-changers, they can still deliver when you leverage their strengths and coordinate effectively with your team. Understanding their limitations and playing around them is key to maximizing your potential as an ADC.

Champion Pros and Cons

Despite the various styles and abilities of ADC champions in League of Legends, each champion has their strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these pros and cons is vital to selecting the right champion for your game and effectively improving your overall performance.

High damage output late gameVulnerable to assassins
Strong kite potentialDependent on team protection
Scale well with itemsWeak early game
Good at taking down objectivesLimited mobility
Can carry gamesRequires good positioning
Have various playstylesCan be countered by certain matchups
Abilities can enhance team fightsItems can make or break effectiveness
Good for sniping enemiesEasily zoned out in team fights
Can out-range most championsReliant on farm for effectiveness
Provide consistent DPSRequires strong map awareness

Strengths of Top ADC Champions

Consistently picking top-tier ADC champions allows you to leverage their high damage output and unique abilities. These champions excel in scaling with items, making them formidable threats in the late game. Their versatile playstyles, from high mobility to long-range capabilities, can help you carry your team through challenging situations and provide a strong presence in team fights.

Weaknesses and Limitations

Champion weaknesses can significantly impact your gameplay outcomes. Many ADC champions need considerable protection and cannot sustain damage effectively during skirmishes without a supportive team. Their lack of mobility often leads them to be easy prey for assassins or champions with crowd control, so understanding when to engage or retreat is vital.

Champion limitations often force you to carefully navigate the battlefield. Many ADC champions rely heavily on positioning, making them vulnerable if caught out of place. Additionally, their effectiveness is often linked to the support they have, as a lack of peel can turn team fights in favor of the opponents. Recognizing these limitations allows you to adapt and play more strategically, potentially influencing your team’s success.

Situational Picks

Pros of situational picks mean you can adapt your champion selections based on matchups or team compositions. Certain champions can shine in specific scenarios, bringing unique crowd control or burst damage capabilities that fit your team’s needs. Understanding when to swap champions can lead to advantageous conditions for your team.

Even as you analyze the champions on the roster, situational picks allow for nuanced decisions based on your own strengths and the enemy’s weaknesses. Knowing when a certain ADC champion can counter an opponent or fit a particular strategy means you are not only playing to your strengths but also leveraging the context of the game effectively.

Situational champions often change the dynamics of your early-game or team-fight impact. Understanding the implications of these picks can help you sway the match in your favor. By considering factors such as enemy compositions, your team’s overall strategy, and the map’s state, you can make informed decisions that capitalize on opportunities the game presents.

Itemization for ADC

Unlike other roles, ADC itemization focuses on maximizing your damage output while maintaining the ability to survive in team fights. Understanding which items to purchase can significantly impact your ability to carry the game. By choosing the right items, you enhance your effectiveness in both the laning phase and the late game, ensuring your contributions lead your team to victory.

Core Items

Itemization begins with your core items, which are imperative for every ADC. These items typically include critical damage and attack speed components that synergize well with your champion’s abilities. For instance, items like Infinity Edge and Bloodthirster provide high damage and sustain, allowing you to excel in both duels and team engagements.

Situational Items

To optimize your performance, you’ll want to consider situational items that can be purchased based on your opponents’ compositions and game dynamics. These items can vary greatly and may include armor penetration, life steal, or even utility options like Guardian Angel for more survivability. Tailoring your build to the game makes a significant difference in your effectiveness as an ADC.

Another important aspect of situational items is that they allow you to adapt to different threats. For example, if you’re facing a heavy burst composition, picking up an item like Mercurial Scimitar can provide needed magic resist and a lifeline against crowd control. Assessing each game’s context ensures that you remain competitive and effective throughout.

Building Defensive Items

If the game is not going in your favor, and you find yourself being targeted regularly, building defensive items can keep you alive longer during crucial fights. Items like Guardian Angel or Mercurial Scimitar not only enhance your survivability but can also maintain your damage output, which is imperative for carrying your team.

Core defensive items allow you to strike a balance between damage and survivability. Prioritizing items based on the enemy team’s threats and your needs can allow you to sustain longer in fights while still fulfilling your role as the primary damage dealer. Adapt your build to navigate various scenarios effectively.

Runes and Summoner Spells

Your success as an ADC in League of Legends largely depends on the runes and summoner spells you select. These choices can significantly impact your damage output, survivability, and overall effectiveness in team fights. Optimizing these aspects will help you carry your team to victory more consistently.

Best Runes for ADC

An ideal rune setup for ADCs focuses on boosting your damage and maintaining your presence in fights. The Precision tree is often a top choice, with Lethal Tempo or Fleet Footwork as keystones, maximizing your attack speed and sustain in lane. Pair this with secondary runes from the Sorcery tree such as Nimbus Cloak for additional mobility or Absolute Focus for an increase in damage when at full health.

Essential Summoner Spells

Even though each champion may benefit from different summoner spells, Flash and Heal are typically your safest bets as an ADC. Flash allows for quick repositioning, dodging crucial abilities or escaping potential threats, while Heal provides healing and a burst of speed during skirmishes or team fights.

Flash is almost always a must-pick for its ability to save you in critical moments. Pairing it with Heal not only offers survivability but also helps your support or an ally in dire situations. It’s necessary to evaluate your champion’s strengths along with your team’s overall composition to consider alternative options such as Cleanse or Barrier when the situation demands it.

Adjustments Based on Matchup

For each matchup, it’s necessary to evaluate and adjust your runes and summoner spells accordingly. Some champions may require a more aggressive rune setup to secure an early advantage, while others may benefit from a defensive approach if facing stronger opponents in lane.

Understanding your enemy’s abilities and playstyle can often dictate your choices. If you’re against an AP heavy team composition, for instance, opting for the right rune that increases your survivability could make all the difference. Additionally, consider choosing summoner spells that counter specific enemy threats, allowing you to adapt swiftly and maintain your impact in the game.

Positioning in Team Fights

Many players underestimate the significance of positioning during team fights. As an ADC, your positioning can mean the difference between a glorious victory and a swift defeat. Being in the right place at the right time allows you to deal maximum damage while minimizing your risk of being taken down.

Importance of Positioning

Importance of positioning cannot be overstated in team fights. As an ADC, you should aim to stay alive while dealing consistent damage to enemy champions. Your role is to be a damage dealer, and positioning well both protects you and maximizes your contribution to the fight.

Step-by-Step Positioning Guide

Positioning effectively during team fights involves understanding how to navigate the battlefield. Follow this simple guide:

Positioning Steps
1. Assess The BattlefieldLook for obstacles and zones of safety.
2. Stay with Your TeamPosition near your frontline to enable protection.
3. Maintain DistanceStay at the edge of the fight to maximize your range.
4. Focus on High-Value TargetsChoose your targets wisely, aiming for squishier opponents.

This guide sets a foundation for where you should be during team fights. Also, focus on your skill cooldowns and the positioning of both allies and enemies to make informed decisions while navigating the chaos of battle.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

You may make several positioning missteps during team fights. Overextending or separating from your team can put you in harm’s way. Additionally, failing to assess enemy threats can lead you to become an easy target for assassins.

Step-by-step, consider factors like your champion’s strengths and weaknesses when positioning yourself in fights. Avoid clustering with your team too closely to dodge area damage while ensuring you are not left isolated. Keeping a mental note of enemy crowd control abilities is vital, allowing you to position effectively and survive longer in skirmishes.

Laning Phase Strategies

Not every ADC can dominate the laning phase, but with the right strategies, you can maximize your potential. Understanding how to manage waves, trade effectively, and keep an eye on the map will set you apart from your opponents.

Wave Management

For an ADC, wave management is imperative for controlling the lane. You should learn how to freeze, slow push, or fast push waves based on your champion’s strengths and the enemy’s positions. Proper wave management allows you to dictate the pace of the game and set up safe opportunities for farming or trading.

Trading and Harassment

Any trade can shift the momentum in your favor, especially when you utilize your champion’s ability to poke. Make sure to time your abilities and auto-attacks carefully to maximize damage while minimizing risk. Understanding your opponent’s cooldowns is key for trading effectively.

Another important aspect of trading is knowing when to engage and when to back off. You should look for opportunities to poke your opponent when they go for a last hit or to punish them when they overextend. Also, be aware of the support’s positioning, as they can greatly influence the outcome of trades. Prioritize trades that allow you to gain an advantage without overcommitting.

Roaming and Map Awareness

There’s more to your role than just farming and fighting in lane. Keeping track of the enemy jungler and mid-laner will give you opportunities to roam and assist your team when the situation allows. Make sure to communicate with your support to coordinate effective roams.

Awareness of the map is vital for making informed decisions. Frequently glance at your minimap and communicate with your teammates. If you notice your mid-laner needing help or an opportunity in the jungle, positioning yourself accordingly can help tilt the game in your favor. Effective map awareness can also prevent unnecessary deaths and enable you to capitalize on enemy mistakes.

Farming Techniques

After mastering the fundamentals of positioning and trading, the next key aspect of playing ADC is farming effectively. Farming is imperative for gaining gold and experience, allowing you to purchase items and level up faster than your opponents. In this section, we’ll explore useful farming techniques to help you maximize your efficiency in the lane.

Last-Hitting Basics

Assuming you have a solid understanding of your ADC’s abilities, the primary goal of last-hitting is to secure every minion kill without pushing the lane unnecessarily. Focus on timing your auto-attacks to coincide with the minion’s health, ensuring you get the gold while avoiding unnecessary damage from enemy champions.

Advanced Farming Techniques

The ability to farm efficiently goes beyond just last-hitting. Incorporating advanced techniques can significantly improve your gold income. These methods include:

Creep BlockingPosition your minions to block enemy champions from reaching your minions.
Hard-ResettingUse abilities when minions are low to execute them quickly.
Zone ControlControl the area around your minions to deter enemies from contesting your farm.

Advanced farming techniques require practice but can yield significant benefits. They allow you to secure gold while maintaining a defensive posture against enemy aggression. Here are some more advanced to further enhance your farming:

Use your Abilities WiselySave abilities for last-hitting when necessary instead of for trading.
Watch the Minion WaveLearn how to manipulate the minion wave for better control.
Buy Items that Boost FarmingItems like Brawler’s Glove enhance auto-attack potential for easier last-hits.

Tools and Indicators

An effective way to enhance your farming is by using in-game indicators that help you gauge your performance. Pay attention to minion health bars and sound effects when killing minions to better understand your timing.

Advanced farming also involves utilizing third-party tools and overlays that can enhance your gameplay experience. These tools often provide information on minion spawn timers and local gold indicators, which can give you the edge in your lane. By integrating these resources, you take a significant step toward mastering your ADC role and establishing consistent farming performance.

Communication and Teamwork

Keep in mind that effective communication and teamwork can greatly enhance your performance as an ADC. Your ability to share information and collaborate with teammates can turn the tide in battles and lead your team to victory. Building a strong connection with your team will enable you to execute strategies more efficiently and capitalize on opportunities.

Working with Supports

To establish a successful partnership with your support, it’s necessary to communicate your intentions clearly. Discuss your preferred playstyle, whether you favor aggressive trades or a more passive approach. This dialogue enables both you and your support to harmonize your efforts, allowing for better lane control and securing kills.

Signals and Calls

On the battlefield, clear signals and calls are vital for effective teamwork. Pings are your best friend; use them to indicate your intentions, whether you plan to engage or back off. Sharing information about enemy positions, summoner spell cooldowns, and objectives can help your team make informed decisions.

It’s important to not only use pings but also to communicate verbally when necessary. Expressing your thoughts on when to take objectives or initiate team fights can maintain clarity and prevent misunderstandings. The more you communicate, the better your team can respond to potential threats and seize opportunities on the map.

Adapting to Team Composition

Working effectively with diverse champions on your team requires flexibility. Analyze your team composition and adapt your gameplay accordingly. If your team lacks front-line protection, you may need to play conservatively. Conversely, if your team has a strong initiation, you can afford to play more aggressively and capitalize on the chaos in team fights.

Communication plays a key role in this adjustment process. By discussing strategies with your teammates, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page. Highlight your strengths and the overall composition, allowing for coordinated attacks and defensive plays tailored to your team’s unique setup, ultimately enhancing your chances of securing victories.

Avoiding Common ADC Mistakes

Many players fail to recognize the key mistakes that can hinder their performance as an ADC. By being aware of these errors, you can improve your gameplay and increase your chances of carrying your team to victory.

Overextending and Positioning Errors

Even seasoned players can fall into the trap of overextending without proper vision or support. Staying too far forward can lead to easy picks for the enemy team, jeopardizing not just your life but also the advantage of your lane. Prioritize safe positioning and map awareness to mitigate potential threats.

Mismanagement of Resources

Even the most skilled ADCs can falter when it comes to managing their resources effectively. This includes the proper use of health, mana, and cooldowns. Allocating your resources wisely enables you to maximize your output in fights, ensuring that you remain a consistent damage source throughout the game.

This is where effective decision-making becomes crucial. Ensure that you’re conservatively using your abilities and items during skirmishes, and don’t hesitate to back off if it means maintaining your resources for pivotal moments. You should always be aware of when to engage or disengage based on your current status and that of your team.

Team Fight Miscalculations

Avoiding miscalculations during team fights is key to an ADC’s success. It’s important to understand your role: you are the primary damage dealer, and positioning should reflect that. Engage when it’s advantageous, and avoid getting caught out in unfavorable situations.

Common mistakes in team fights include misjudging your character’s range or exploring into the enemy front line without a plan. By staying aware of the enemy’s threats and your allies’ positions, you’ll be more effective in dealing damage while minimizing the risk of being taken out early. Focus on timing your attacks and positioning yourself in a way that allows you to contribute without putting your life at unnecessary risk.

Factors Influencing Carry Potential

All successful ADCs must consider several factors that can significantly affect their ability to carry the game. Essential influences include:

  • Game Awareness
  • Matchup Knowledge
  • Adaptability to Situations

Perceiving these factors and understanding their impact on your gameplay will set you apart from the competition.

Game Awareness

Carry potential greatly relies on your game awareness. This skill involves keeping tabs on the minimap, tracking enemy movements, and knowing when to engage or disengage. Effective communication with your team regarding enemy locations and summoner spell cooldowns can create opportunities for victory.

Matchup Knowledge

Even the best ADCs can struggle if they don’t understand their matchups. Knowing how to play against other champions allows you to optimize your damage output while minimizing risks. Familiarity with both your champion’s strengths and weaknesses and those of your opponent is crucial for success.

This knowledge goes beyond just identifying who beats whom; it includes understanding your abilities and how they interact with the enemy’s kit. Key aspects include recognizing power spikes, itemization changes, and adjusting your positioning during trades. By leveraging these insights, you can secure advantages and capitalize on enemy mistakes.

Adaptability to Situations

Any great ADC knows that flexibility is vital to carry potential. Your ability to adapt to various scenarios within the game, such as team compositions or unique in-game events, will determine your effectiveness in fights and objective control.

Influencing the flow of the game hinges on your capacity to switch strategies mid-match. Whether it’s altering your positioning based on the enemy’s crowd control or adjusting your item build to counter a specific threat, being able to pivot is often the key to turning a tough match into a victory.

Tips for Solo Queue Success

For the aspiring ADC, achieving success in solo queue requires a blend of mechanical skill and strategic mindset. Here are some key tips to help you elevate your gameplay:

  • Focus on last-hitting minions to ensure a steady flow of gold.
  • Prioritize good positioning during team fights to maximize your damage output.
  • Communicate effectively with your team using pings and chat.
  • Be adaptable in your champion picks depending on your team composition and enemy threats.
  • Stay positive, even when games do not go your way.

After implementing these strategies, you’ll likely see improvement in your solo queue performance.

Mental Game Strategies

Success in solo queue isn’t just about mechanics; it’s also about your mental state. Approaching each game with a calm and focused mindset can help you make better decisions and minimize tilting. Set short-term goals for yourself, such as improving your CS or minimizing deaths, rather than solely focusing on winning.

Decision-Making Under Pressure

Even in high-pressure situations, making sound decisions is imperative for maximizing your impact. Stay aware of your surroundings, anticipate enemy movements, and be proactive rather than reactive. Identifying when to engage or retreat is key to surviving and thriving as an ADC.

Understanding the flow of the game helps you gauge when to push forward or play defensively. Practice makes perfect—analyzing past matches can illuminate patterns in your decision-making processes. By recognizing these moments, you will enhance your ability to make quick decisions that align with your team’s goals.

Building a Winning Mindset

While focusing on gameplay mechanics is important, cultivating a winning mindset can lead to improved performance. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. Celebrate small victories and analyze your games for areas to improve, keeping a balanced perspective on success and failure.

A winning mindset transforms how you approach each match. By maintaining positivity and commitment to improvement, you can create a more enjoyable experience for yourself and those around you. This mindset enables you to bounce back from setbacks and maintain focus on the larger goal: climbing the ranks as an ADC player.

To wrap up

As a reminder, mastering the ADC role in League of Legends is important for maximizing your potential to carry games. By focusing on the best champions suitable for your playstyle and honing your positioning skills during skirmishes and team fights, you can become a reliable damage dealer. Always adapt your strategies to the specific match and team composition, ensuring you remain aware of your surroundings. With practice and dedication, you will elevate your gameplay and make a significant impact on your team’s success.


Q: What does ADC stand for in League of Legends?

A: ADC stands for Attack Damage Carry. This role typically involves dealing significant damage in team fights and throughout the game, primarily through basic attacks. ADCs usually rely on their auto-attacks to secure kills and help control objectives.

Q: What are the best champions for the ADC role?

A: The best ADC champions can vary per patch and season, but some consistently strong choices include Jhin, Kai’Sa, Miss Fortune, and Aphelios. These champions offer a mixture of burst damage, sustain, and utility, making them adaptable in various team compositions.

Q: How should I position myself as an ADC during team fights?

A: Positioning is key for ADCs. You should stay towards the backlines during fights to reduce the risk of being targeted by enemy champions. Prioritize remaining close to your team’s frontliners for protection and find opportunities to deal damage while avoiding direct confrontations with burst threats.

Q: What item builds are recommended for ADCs?

A: ADC item builds often start with components like Kraken Slayer or Galeforce and typically include critical strike items such as Infinity Edge or The Collector. Additionally, sustain and survivability can be enhanced with items like Guardian Angel or Bloodthirster, depending on the game situation.

Q: When should I farm minions versus grouping with my team as an ADC?

A: Prioritize farming in the laning phase to build your gold and experience advantage. However, as the game progresses, group up with your team during objectives or after taking down towers, ensuring you maintain a balance between maximizing your resources and supporting your teams in critical moments.

Q: How can I contribute to team objectives as an ADC?

A: As an ADC, your role in team fights and objectives like Dragon or Baron Nashor is vital. Use your damage output to secure objectives quickly while positioning yourself safely. Be aware of nearby threats and assist with peeling for your teammates, allowing you to continue dealing damage when it matters most.

Q: What should I focus on during the laning phase as an ADC?

A: During the laning phase, focus on last-hitting minions to maximize your gold gain and minimizing deaths. Maintain proper vision control with wards to avoid ganks, harass the enemy when safe, and work with your support to set up plays or zone out your opponents effectively.