LoL League of Legends – TFT Patch 11.2b: Rakan, Xayah & Aurelion Dol Nerfs

LoL League of Legends – TFT Patch 11.2b: Rakan, Xayah & Aurelion Dol Nerfs
Just a few days after the TFT update, has to nerf the champs. (Source: )

TFT’s Festival of Beats has only been out for a few days and already we get a hotfix with TFT Patch 11.2b. It’s nice that Riot reacts so quickly. This mini-patch should make the game much more balanced. We think that’s good – and that’s why we’ve summarized the patch notes for you.

The title already gave it away: Rakan, Xayah and Aurelion were all generated. Thank goodness! The “Elderwood-Aurelion Sol” was just blatant OP. Also, the 6 Mage & Elderwood combo (and Dragon Soul variants) were all weakened by the nerfs of Rakan & Aurelion Sol. We have summarized everything you need to know about TFT Patch 11.2b for you:

LoL League of Legends – TFT Patch 11.2b: Rakan, Xayah & Aurelion Dol NerfsPatch Notes: TFT Patch 11.2b – Rakan, Xayah, Aurelion Sol

Rakan is one of the three most important champs for the Elder Sol combo (the others are logically Xayah and Mr. Universe himself). Rakan has been generated in terms of his mana and shield. His mana cost has increased, and the shield has been changed from 300/550/950 to 200/400/800.

Away with you Rakan! And take Xayah with you… Xayah’s mana lock has been increased from 1s to 1.5s. Another good change, GJ Riot!

After Xayah and Rakan got their well-deserved nerf slap, of course Aurelion Sol has to take a hit as well: The main damager of the OP combo now does less damage as a 1-Star and 2-Star unit: from 350/550/1750 to 325/500/1750.


LoL League of Legends – TFT Patch 11.2b: Rakan, Xayah & Aurelion Dol Nerfs
Uh-oh, yone buffs? That’s where the PTSD kicks in for many. (Source: Riot Games)

Patch Notes: TFT Patch 11.2b – Diana and Zed Nerfs, Yone Buff

The Elder Sol build wasn’t the only one that needed to be nerfed, of course. Diana has been quite strong since patch 11.2 and now loses one of her orbs to damage as a 3-star.

Zed was also generated in terms of his damage. The AD he steals as a 2-star has been reduced to 25% and as a 3-star to 30% – that’s 10% less!

Last but not least, Yone, as the only champ, is buffed: he gets 20% more armor (40% as 3-Star) and more MR on his Seal Fate ability. This could bring the slashing samurai back to his old strength. But do we really want that?

What do you think about the patch, let us know on Discord!

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of Legends releases bug fixes, improvements and new content at regular intervals. Below you can find the patch schedule for 2022. Note: Patch dates are subject to change at any time and for a variety of reasons. We recommend that you visit this page one to two days before a scheduled patch to see if it has been rescheduled. If a patch is postponed up to 48 hours before its release, we will post a warning at the top of this page. 


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