LoL League of Legends – Patch 10.23: The gap will never be the same again

LoL League of Legends – Patch 10.23: The gap will never be the same again
The Shopkeeper is already waiting for you (Source: Games)

The – Season is coming to an end, which means that a lot of changes are waiting for us. We’ve talked about Ability Haste and the new Mythic Items. But are we ready? Nope, there are still so many changes coming our way.

LoL Patch 10.23 will go live as planned on November 11 with some changes to the champions. But what about the long awaited pre– Season changes? Nothing. These will remain on the PBE servers for another week or so to be tested for a full 6 weeks before the general of Legends community is faced with the tough decision of whether to purchase Immortal Shieldbow or Galeforce.

What will we see with the patch update on November 11, though?

LoL League of Legends – Patch 10.23: The gap will never be the same againA few champions that received some buffs with LoL Patch 10.22 will now be put on repeat with Patch 10.23. Amumu has been wreaking havoc in the Jungle, especially at low Elo, and will therefore feel a small nerf in his kit. He will now be a bit squishier with base armor downgraded from 33 to 30, while his HP per level will also take a hit to 80 from 84.

Along with Amumu, Brand will also receive a nerf. His “E – Conflagration” will have an increased cooldown. However, this won’t affect his gameplay much.

We’ve talked about Seraphine and her upcoming changes before. She has been played mostly as a support, something Riot wants to change by making her a more attractive mid laner as well. Her Q – Highnote will have increased damage, while her E – Beat Drop will do less damage to enemies, but 100% damage to Minions. This will make her much more viable and a viable choice in the midlane – while still being a decent support champion.

LoL League of Legends – Patch 10.23: The gap will never be the same againAs Riot had mentioned in several tweets, there will be changes for the Pre-Seasom for certain champions. Most of these are due to the developers trying to balance the crit system. For example, ’s Passive will now grant 25% less bonus damage on headshot.

Jhin will also feel an effect on his Critical Strike chance. His damage reduction from crits changed from 25% (150% damage crits) to 14% (150% damage crits). Yasuo and Yone, who have basically the same passive, will have any chance of critical strike above 100% turned into a bonus AD.

Ornn will also get a change to his Passive so that every time he upgrades a Mythic Item, his passive Armor/MR boost increases by 5% (10% without upgrading, as live). He will also get an additional 10% HP and this value will increase by 4% of these bonus stats per Mythic Item he upgrades.

Other champions have also had their mana pools changed. Akali will receive a buff in the pre– Season , lowering her energy cost. Kassadin will also receive a buff. He will have more mana, but will also receive more mana per level. Malphite will become stronger with a health increase, while his mana pool and mana per level will also be increased.

There are many more changes to come, which will be explained in great detail, as Mark Yetter, Gameplay Design Director, has already announced that the upcoming patch notes will be well over 15,000 words. Once we have all the information, we will publish a more detailed article about all the upcoming changes in pre- Season and – Season 11. It will probably be more of a short novel instead of an article….

Let us know via Facebook and Twitter what you think of the Pre– Season ! And if you haven’t received enough LoL news yet, stay tuned to EarlyGame for all updates at a glance!

Patch Schedule – League of Legends 

League of Legends releases bug fixes, improvements and new content at regular intervals. Below you can find the patch schedule for 2022. Note: Patch dates are subject to change at any time and for a variety of reasons. We recommend that you visit this page one to two days before a scheduled patch to see if it has been rescheduled. If a patch is postponed up to 48 hours before its release, we will post a warning at the top of this page. 


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