LoL League of Legends – Patch 10.22: Seraphine enters the stage!

LoL League of Legends – Patch 10.22: Seraphine enters the stage!
Seraphine is now part of K/DA and ! (Source: )

It’s patch time! Patch 10.22 is out and everyone is either cheering or booing Seraphine. She has gone live with the new update and is now floating across the divide on her chunky looking platform.

Along with Seraphine and her ultimate K/DA skin, fans can get all the other members of K/DA and their new looks for their comeback. The main single goes live on YouTube on October 28.

Skins aren’t the only thing we’ll get with this final patch before we head into a world of change with Pre– Season . Of course, the champions get buffs, nerfs, as well as a few balance changes.

LoL League of Legends – Patch 10.22: Seraphine enters the stage!
Top Lulu will unfortunately get a nerf. (Source: Games)

Samira, Lulu, Karthus… No more power picks

Samira… a champion we’ve only mentioned in connection with the word ‘nerf’ since her release. Her base attack damage has been reduced from 59 to 57. This will make her less powerful in earlygame and keep her from winning the lane so easily and pushing other ADCs under her tower. It will also make her a bit more vulnerable due to the reduction of her base Armour, which has dropped from 28 to 26.

She’s not the only one getting a nerf, though. Top Lulu has raged in the solo cue in the past, especially after top players like Damwon ’s Nuguri showed off her strength during the 2020 World Championship. Her Q damage will be reduced from 80-260 to 80-220, which will make her less aggressive and likely discourage players from playing her in Top Lane.

Karthus is one of the strongest , especially since his fast clear is insane and he can deal a lot of damage in any teamfight. His Ulti can deal immense damage to any enemy player. But it wasn’t his Ulti that got nerfed, it was his Q. The base damage has dropped from 50-130 to 34-125. This makes the champion much weaker and slower, especially in the Jungle, since his Q is used to kill Jungle monsters quickly.

LoL League of Legends – Patch 10.22: Seraphine enters the stage!
LeBlanc will hopefully be played more again after these buffs. (Source: Riot Games)

Is LeBlanc finally becoming a good magician again?

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen Leblanc in her glory days. She’s just not the same mage she once was when she was bringing highlights with players like Faker or Bjergsen. Now Riot is giving her a small buff to make her competitive again by improving the damage output of her E. The base damage as well as the delayed damage will be boosted while the mana cost will be reduced. If you ever miss the chains, you don’t have to go right back to the well to get back the lost mana!

Sejuani also gets buffed a bit. Jankos should be happy, but is he really happy with the changes? The base damage of her Ulti has been increased from 100/125/150 to 125/150/175, and her max damage will now deal 200/300/400 instead of 150/250/350. But her Ulti wasn’t the only problem with her kit. Let’s see where Riot will take her in the upcoming – Season .

In addition to the buffs and nerfs, there are also a few balance changes to some champions. For example, ’s E now deals damage upfront rather than over time. The bomb blast burns the enemy immediately after hitting them, instead of taking 1.5 seconds for players to feel the full effect. Ashe also gets a small change to her W, which now fires more arrows with each rank of ability. So instead of always firing 9 arrows, you will now be able to start with 7 and end with 11. This will make her earlygame a little more difficult, but will pay off in the lategame once she has 11 arrows.

For all the balance changes, be sure to check out the official patch notes on the of Legends website.

What do you think of the latest patch? Let us know on Twitter and Facebook. For all the news regarding LoL 2020, please continue reading on EarlyGame.

Patch Schedule – League of Legends 

League of Legends releases bug fixes, improvements and new content at regular intervals. Below you can find the patch schedule for 2022. Note: Patch dates are subject to change at any time and for a variety of reasons. We recommend that you visit this page one to two days before a scheduled patch to see if it has been rescheduled. If a patch is postponed up to 48 hours before its release, we will post a warning at the top of this page. 


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