LoL League of Legends – Nexus Blitz is back – Here are the best champs

LoL League of Legends – Nexus Blitz is back - Here are the best champs
Nexus Blitz is back. (Source )

Nexus Blitz is back. Launched as an experiment in 2018, the mode is making its way back into . Here are the best champs for LoL Nexus Blitz.

The mode is not really new. In 2018, it already existed once. This time, too, it will unfortunately only be available temporarily in of Legends. You can play the mode from July 22 to August 24. But watch out who you pick, because some champs are a lot stronger than others.

What is the LoL Nexus Blitz?

In Nexus Blitz, five players per team play against each other on a map with two lanes and a jungle. Three players are on the lane and two go into the jungle. Random events happen during the game, giving rewards or buffs to the winning team of the event – making the game terrific chaotic. The goal of the game, as usual, is to destroy the enemy Nexus.


Since you get more gold than in the normal rift, you should definitely choose champions that scale strongly with items. In almost every game you will fill all six item slots, so late-game Carrys are good picks. Also, there are a lot of teamfights, so you should pick champs that have low cooldowns, take down enemies quickly, and can determine the teamfight.

The top picks for Lane are:

  • Yasuo
  • Ahri
  • Vayne
  • Lux
  • Teemo
  • Zed
  • Ezreal
  • Cassiopeia
  • Aphelios
  • Katarina
  • Riven
  • Ziggs
LoL League of Legends – Nexus Blitz is back - Here are the best champs
Yasuo’s low cooldowns and strong teamfights make him perfect for Blitz mode. (Source: Games)


In the Jungle you need good 1v1 champs with strong clear speed. You will encounter the enemy often, so there will be a lot of fights here as well. Since the junglers end up being in every teamfight anyway, just play champions that scale well and can carrien in the late game.




The best champs for the Jungle are:

  • Kindred
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Kayn
  • Graves
  • Ekko
  • Twitch
  • Brand
  • Master Yi
LoL League of Legends – Nexus Blitz is back - Here are the best champs
With the right , Kayn is immortal in Teamfight. (Source: Riot Games)

Champions like Kayn, Yasuo and Katarina can also be combined with Yuumi. This way, you can win every game as a team and with the early items.

So, have you played a Blitz game yet? Which champions did you find the strongest? Let us know on our Facebook page!

Patch Schedule – League of Legends 

League of Legends releases bug fixes, improvements and new content at regular intervals. Below you can find the patch schedule for 2022. Note: Patch dates are subject to change at any time and for a variety of reasons. We recommend that you visit this page one to two days before a scheduled patch to see if it has been rescheduled. If a patch is postponed up to 48 hours before its release, we will post a warning at the top of this page. 


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