98 percent of all players have been offended at some time or another

Whoever plays the support heroine Lux in probably doesn’t belong to the Flamers.

That of Legends has a problem with toxic players is nothing new: Anyone who has ever played the can almost certainly confirm that there are regular recriminations, insults and other obscenities in the in-game chat.

A poll conducted by Reddit user Clanaria now confirms this: 98 percent of the 3,784 participants in the survey say they have already been insulted by fellow players while playing.

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So toxic is LoL

In addition to the 98 percent of players who have been flamed during a game, another 79 percent say they have also been harassed after a game to have been harassed. This harassment mainly takes the form of insults via personal messages and repeated friend requests.

Sexism also seems to be a big problem: 32 percent of all female gamers say they have been confronted with sexual remarks. Five percent of all female players have even been stalked outside the game – whether the stalking took place in real life or on social media, for example, is not clear from the survey.

The survey shows that only 21 percent of players have never been further harassed after a game. Survey shows only 21 percent of players have never been further harassed after a game.

For the ratings of each champion class, players had to choose their favorite heroes and indicate what toxic behavior they were already guilty of – the worst selectable offense here was telling another player to kill himself.

According to the survey, the following are particularly bad Assassin and Skirmisher players: Those who mainly play champions like Master Yi, Yasuo, Katarina, or Zed are particularly prone to toxic behavior, according to the survey. The same is true for Diver champions like Warwick, Diana, or Rengar.

Support player on the other hand, have a better grip on themselves: 50 percent of players fall into the “Not at all toxic” category.

More exciting facts

However, the survey does not only deal with the toxicity of the players, but also provides many other exciting facts:

  • 87 percent of gamers are male, 12 percent female, and 1 percent diverse.
  • 74 percent of players are 24 years old or younger, while only 4 percent are older than 30.
  • 59 percent are high school or college students, 27 percent have full-time jobs, and 7 percent are unemployed.
  • 78 percent have already started with LoL before 2016.
  • 8 percent play LoL because they are or want to become a pro.
  • 57 percent of players are either Gold or Platinum.
  • Support is the most popular role (28 percent of all votes), Jungle the least popular (12 percent).
  • 63 percent play with friends, 6 percent say they have no friends at all.
  • 92 percent of all players have spent money on LoL .

You can find the complete survey results on Imgur.

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