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Armies Call of Duty โ€“ 54 Immortals

The 54 Immortals, also called 54i, is a crime syndicate from Call of Duty: Black Ops III. Founded at the end of the 19th century by Chinese and Indian immigrants in Singapore, the organization functioned there until 2070. Until 2070, the Immortals were led by Goh Min and his sister Goh Xiulan, who was two years younger. After the death of her brother, she took over the leadership alone until she herself was killed a short time later. It is unclear whether the Immortals were disbanded.

Heroes Call of Duty โ€“ Chemo

Chemo is a member of Task Force 141 from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, in which he serves until 2016. He appears in the campaign mission The Hornet's Nest. His death or fate remains unexplained. It can be assumed that he dies because at a later point in Modern Warfare 3 we learn that only Price, Soap, NIkolai and Yuri from TF 141 are left. He uses a UMP45 as his weapon.

Weapons Call of Duty-Widowmaker

The M202 Widowmaker is a missile launcher that holds multiple missiles and appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops. The Widowmaker only appears in the Numbers and Victor Charlie missions, but is also used by Frank Woods and Joseph Bowman in Crash Site. In the campaign you can access a unique feature, namely the ability to fire multiple missiles at once. To do this, you have to go into the sights and press the sprint/hold air button. A number next to the sight will begin to rotate to indicate how many missiles are now being fired.

Games Call of Duty 2

Call of Duty 2 is a 2005 first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision in most regions of the world. It is the second installment of the Call of Duty series. Announced by Activision on April 7, 2005, the game was released on October 25, 2005 for Microsoft Windows, and on November 22, 2005[1] as a launch title for the Xbox 360. Other versions were eventually released for OS X, mobile phones, and Pocket PCs.

Maps Call of Duty โ€“ Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall is a multiplayer map from the First Strike DLC for Call of Duty: Black Ops. Berlin Wall (Berliner Mauer) is a medium-sized map set in snowy Germany, reflecting the Berlin Wall and containing, among other things, the so-called death strip, where indestructible turrets fire at the player should he set foot on the forbidden zone. To make its danger clear, the no-man's land was drawn in red on the mini-map. In the middle of the no man's land, a small path leads through so that you can reach both sides of the map. Berlin Wall is a great place to camp, snipe and fight from a distance. For snipers, the map is a paradise, as there are many windows and holes in the buildings, from which you can even see over the whole map. On one side of the map there is a small Allied checkpoint, with security buildings and tanks. The no man's land can be a quick escape route if you're smart, but you'll always face the automatic gun turrets. The only way to get through without being shot at is to use smoke grenades.

Camouflage Call of Duty โ€“ Sahara Desert camouflage

Sahara is slightly based on desert camouflage. It was named after a large desert located in the northern part of Africa. In Black Ops II, she does not appear in multiplayer, only in the campaign.

Fraction Call of Duty Havana Police Department

The Havana Police Department (Spanish: Policia Nacional Revolucionaria, roughly comparable to the National Police of the Revolutionaries) is an enemy faction in Call of Duty: Black Ops. They only appear in the Operation 40 mission and not once else.

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