3 v 5? | Overwatch 2

Thank you to ThatPunchKid LIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Heg6XusRk5s.

3 v 5 | # 2
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3 v 5 | #Overwatch 2
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Business contact: ThatPunchKid@gmail.com
Edited by: Karoline – https://twitter.com/thatKaroline

#Overwatch League announces tournament format for May

is currently in a state of flux and restructuring, as the MSI for #LeagueofLegends has been cancelled and the Summer Split has been postponed until June. The #Overwatch League is now bringing its own changes with a new tournament format being introduced for May.

#Overwatch Heroes – Zenyatta

Zenyatta uses his spheres of harmony and discord to heal his teammates and weaken his enemies, while he himself strives for a state of transcendence that grants him complete immunity to damage.The standard PC key bindings shown below can be customized in-game.

#Overwatch: Numbani – Map Guide

To stand a chance in the battles of #Overwatch, you need to know not only your hero, but also the map on which you are fighting. In our guide to Numbani, we will show you the most important locations and how to use them to gain an advantage for your team.

Echo: the new #Overwatch heroine and her abilities

Her story has been moving the #Overwatch for days: Echo was discovered by scientist Dr. Mina Liao who was an employee of Omnica Corporation . There she worked on the team responsible for creating the Omnics. Ultimately, it was this expertise in robotics and artificial intelligence that led to her being recruited into #Overwatch to stop her own creations.


Attention, athletes: It’s time for the 2020 Summer Games! Put your skills to the test in Lúcioball: Remix, an even crazier version of your favorite ball sport. In Season 4 of Copa Lúcioball, all your skills will be needed to emerge victorious from the merciless

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#Overwatch is a multiplayer first-person shooter from the US game developer #Blizzard Entertainment. The game is set in #Blizzard’s fourth fantasy universe after Warcraft, #StarCraft and Diablo. #Overwatch was released in May 2016 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Since then, bug fixes (patches) and updates have been released at regular intervals. A version for Nintendo Switch has been available since October 15, 2019. In #Overwatch, two teams of six players each compete against each other. Both teams fight for control of a given location or escort a cargo on the playing field within a given period of time.

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