Almost an hour two players worked on a boss in WoW: Classic. Because instead of 40 players, they were only two.
In both WoW: Shadowlands and World of Warcraft Classic, there are always crazy records set by players. After the dragon lady Onyxia was defeated by three people quite a while ago, this has now been undercut once again. Only two players participated and defeated the raid boss.
What happened? The two players Shiftus (Priest) and Gendisarray (Warrior) apparently didn’t feel like defeating Onyxia with 40 people and just took on the task in pairs.
The Warrior not only had to take care of the damage, but also acted as a tank at the same time. But with a Holy Priest breathing down our necks, it was quite doable.
The whole fight took a while though, almost an hour. At just under 57 minutes, the fight was a test of patience – probably not only for the players, but also for Onyxia, who is otherwise used to shorter fights.
What’s so special about it?
Actually, Onyxia is a boss that is designed for 40 players. Basically, however, the mechanics of the fight are not particularly complicated, which is why the fight can be mastered with fewer players. However, the fewer players participate, the longer the fight drags on. However, since Onyxia has no enrage timer, there is no limit to how long the battle can last. Only the players’ resources – such as mana – could become a problem.
That’s how many resources were needed.
It is also amazing how many potions and items were used in combat. The priest alone must have spent several hundred gold – depending on the cost on his realm. For he consumed:
- 23x Considerable Mana Potion
- 21x Demonic Rune
- 3x Rejuvenation Potion
- 2x vial with distilled wisdom
- 2x vial of petrification
But the warrior Gendisarray also did not let himself be lukewarm and spent a lot:
- 13x magic resistance potion
- 10x Whip Root Tubers
- 9x Great Stone Shield Potion
- 4x Elemental Whetstone
- 1x Elixir of Mungo
By the way, they didn’t get any gameplay benefit from the kill. Nobody needed any loot from the boss, it was just about the challenge to pass the fight – with the smallest possible group.
Have you also set and completed such challenges in WoW Classic? Or is that a waste of time for you?
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