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Weapons – Flint Knock Pistol

The Flint – Knock Pistol is a weapon in Battle Royale in Fortnite and belongs to the Pistols . Depending on its rarity, the weapon can deal enemies between 86 and 90 damage per hit. The pistol has only a single shot of heavy ammunition per magazine; it must therefore be reloaded after each shot. Hitting enemies will knock them back.

Maps Fortnite – Risky Reels

Risky Reels is an area on the map of Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode. It was added to the game with the V.4.0 patch at the beginning of – Season 4. Risky Reels is located way up in the northeastern part of the map east of Lazy Links and northwest of Wailing Woods.

Fortnite – Skins – Cuddle

Cuddle Team Leader is a Legendary Outfit in Battle Royale that can be purchased from the Item Shop. The Cuddle Bow Back Bling is bundled with this skin. The Cuddle Team Leader Outfit is a pink skin-tight outfit with a broken heart detail. The outfit also features a huge bear head mask and dark pink gloves.

Fortnite Items – Zapper Trap

The Zapper Trap is a trap and consumable item in Fortnite’s Battle Roylae mode. This trap is a throwable consumable that occupies an inventory slot. On impact, the item places a trap on either side of a building piece, dealing damage. Upon impact with clear terrain, the item automatically builds a wall and then places a damaging trap on either side.

Fortnite Outfits – Gear Specialist Maya

Gear Specialist Maya is a Legendary Outfit in Battle Royale that could be obtained as a reward from Level 1 of Chapter 2 – Season 2 Battle Pass. She has multiple different style options for her to unlock through Maya’s Challenges. Every challenge unlocks a certain style on Maya.Gear Specialist Maya

Fortnite Pickaxes – Fixation

The Fortnite Fixation Pickaxe is part of the Focal Point set and was released on July 12, 2019 during Chapter 1, – Season 9. To get the Fixation, you will need to purchase it from the item shop for 800 V-Bucks when it is available .

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