1 HOUR OF CRAZY RANKED GAMES (*New Ranked Update) – Apex Legends Season 13

Thank you to for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubPaR3Oeht4

#ApexLegends Season 13: Saviours features some drastic changes to the ranked mode. In all honesty I can’t explain in depth how it all works – to be fair I’m not sure anyone can explain it perfectly. In short, placements hold more weight then kills so will be playing much more patiently and cautiously making the end games much more chaotic. Today we are testing out these ranked changes with my friends Sooxfar & iTemp! Hope you enjoy the long video!

my friends @SooXfar & @iTemp2

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Music by – https://www.epidemicsound.com

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0:00 intro
1:21 we forgot we were playing ranked..
11:06 the Longbow is back on the floor!
23:58 I should have died so many times..
28:44 absolutely FRYING with the Havoc!

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